405 23 21

4:48 PM

Plexiglass joined the chat


(Y/N) joined the chat

(Y/N): why

Plexiglass: its my best friend Aiden's game

Plexiglass: plus it's the playoffs

Fronk joined the chat

Fronk: I'm too busy sleeping

Fronk left the chat

(Y/N): eh

Plexiglass: and you don't have to pay for tickets

(Y/N): okay fine

(Y/N): when is it

Plexiglass: I'm picking you up rn so get ready Rat

(Y/N): k

(Y/N) left the chat

Moikey joined the chat

Moikey: wtfs happening

Plexiglass: baseball game

Moikey: ...

Moikey: ew

Plexiglass: fuck off you still like your ex




Moikey: RAT

Plexiglass: MAN WHORE

Plexiglass left the chat

Moikey left the chat

Gerard🍋 joined the chat

Gerard🍋: what the actual fuck

Gerard🍋 left the chat

5:28 PM

"Hey," a familiar looking boy walked up to the car as Alex and I got out. He was a bit shorter than Alex, maybe 5'3. His hair was either a very, very dark brown, or black. His skin was darker, maybe he was Cambodian. He wore a baseball uniform, except his hat backwards.

"Fix your fucking hat, Aidianna," Alex muttered, turning his hat around as he sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes. "Don't call me that!"

"Don't you have a game to play, Aiden?" I chuckled, pointing over at the field filled with people, half of them with the same uniforms at him, and half with the same, except in red.

"Oh- OH SHIT!" Aiden shouted as he cranes his neck to look behind him at the field," Lexie, buy me a blue gatorade!" Aiden slapped two dollars in her hand, running over to the field, as the game was about to begin.

"...What the fuck?" Alex chuckled as we started to walk over to the snack shack, to get Aiden his requested sports drink.

7:16 PM / 19:16

"Aiden, what are you doing?" I chuckled as he swung the bat slightly, kicking it in between his legs.

"He's getting ready, gonna got a home run," a boy from inside the dugout laughed as I slightly chuckled. Number 22. I saw the number on the back of his shirt once he turned around. 

"He better hit a home run, hasn't hit anything yet," I stayed as Aiden rolled his eyes, looking behind him. Number twenty three just ran to first base, it was now his turn.

"Hey, what's that guys name?" I leaned closer to Alex, talking lowly into her ear.

"The guy you just talked to? Frankie," she answered, looking back at Aiden. The ball was pitched for the second time, as Aiden hit it, throwing his bat back at the cage as Alex flinched.

"It's not gonna burst through the fence, Alex."

"Yeah, but I'm still gonna flinch, don't fucking judge me, Urie."

The surrounding area started to erupt into cheers and clapping. (of the hands, you dirty freaks) I looked ahead of me as I saw that Aiden actually hit a home run.

7:38 PM / 19:38

"YES!" Alex shouted, pumping her fist in the air. The boy, who Alex informed me to be named Frankie, hit the ball out of the park. We screamed, mostly Alex though, because I'm not really that into baseball. But, 'Frankie' does kind of interest me.

Don't read into that.

Or just don't read that at all.

The game was pretty much over now, and all of his teammates crowded around him. They were all visibly shorter than him, which made me laugh a bit. He was like, half a foot taller than everyone.

7:44 PM / 19:44

A few minutes after most people left, Aiden and Frankie approached Alex and I. "You should buy me another Gatorade," Aiden attempted to persuade as Alex rolled her eyes, turning back to Frankie. "And, oh look, you actually hit something for once! And it wasn't your head on a doorframe," Alex mockingly smiled at Frankie as he rolled his eyes.

"Go buy Aiden a Gatorade, asshole."

And with that, Alex rolled her eyes, walking over to the snack shack and pulling Aiden along with her.

Frankie turned to me, a smile plastered on his face. "Hi, I'm Frankie."

"Hey, I'm (Y/N)." I returned a smile, slightly tilting my head up. Damn, he was pretty tall. 

His eyes were a matching chocolate brown to his hair, which was mostly hidden by his baseball cap. His skin was moderately tan, slightly pink, and was covered in sweat. His breathing was still pretty heavy by the looks of it.

I slightly shifted my eyes over to Alex and Aiden. I could hear Alex shouting, "how DARE you choose Pepsi over Coke!"

8:09 PM / 20:09

"You are such a rat," Alex laughed as I looked at her, confused.


"You like Frankie," Alex said in a singing tone, pulling into my driveway.

"Do not," I protested as she shrugged.

"There's one more game tomorrow," Alex stated as I opened the car door. "Can I come?" I asked, way too quickly.

Alex laughed, shaking her head.

"Be ready by eight o' clock, and don't stare at number twenty two the entire time," She wiggled her eyebrows at me as I rolled my eyes, slamming the car door shut and walking up the steps to my house.

"I don't like him!" I shouted as she rolled down the window.

"Sure, sure!" She shouted back, driving away.

Well, time to deal with Brendon.

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