385 23 64

April 12th, 2018
7:32 PM

Plexiglass joined the chat

Plexiglass: ARE YOU READY (Y/N)

(Y/N) joined the chat


Plexiglass: k I'll pick you up soon

(Y/N): k

(Y/N) left the chat


Fronk joined the chat

Fronk: go where

Plexiglass: baseball game

Moikey joined the chat

Moikey: how many times have you asked that today

Plexiglass: two

Moikey: oh

Moikey: i mean

Moikey: Gerard set a toaster on fire so I need an excuse to get out of my house

Plexiglass: WAIT WHAT

Fronk: PFFT

Fronk: H O W

Moikey: idek

Plexiglass: ANYWAYS

Plexiglass: be outside by 7:50 or I'm leaving you at home

Moikey: k

Fronk: HA you thought I'm leaving my house

Fronk left the chat

Litboi joined the chat

Litboi: waddup who's going where

Plexiglass: baseball game Mikey (Y/N) and me

Litboi: when the fuck should I be ready

Plexiglass: I mean you're my neighbor so be ready in five

Litboi: k bye

Litboi left the chat


"ALEX!" Aiden ran up to the four of us as we all exited the car.

"What?" Alex asked, running her right hand through her green and brown hair.

"Go buy me a light blue gaorade, my games about to start!" Aiden slapped two dollars in her hand, running back to the field.



Alex and Co. watched as Aiden ran off to the field.
"Are you actually gonna buy him a Gatorade?" Halsey asked Alex with a sly grin.

"Uh, I always do?" Alex replied, pulling away from Halsey as she tried to sneakily grab the two dollar bills in her hand.

"Aww, you're no fun." Halsey pouted as Alex rolled her eyes.
"Guys, come on, hurry up so we can get seats!" (Y/N) called from up ahead of us.
"How the fuck did you get all the way over there?" Halsey shouted as we all ran to catch up to her.

"And why're you so eager to see some baseball game?" I asked, slowing to a walk next to her.

"Oh, do I look eager? I'm not that eager. I just really want a seat." (Y/N) said quickly as we walked onto the field where the bleachers and the eroded blue and yellow tables sat.

(Y/N) practically jumped onto the bleachers, ushering for us to fill the bench she sat on.

"Yeah, you definitely seem excited for this game." Halsey said suspiciously.

"What's up?"

Alex smirked. She nudged (Y/N) playfully. "Little (Y/N) here has a bit of a crush on one of the players."

(Y/N)'s face burned with a bright red color at Alex's words.

"DO NOT," she exclaimed.

"And don't call me little, I'm two inches taller than you!" she exclaimed as she aggressively poked Alex.
"OOH, (Y/N) HAS A CRUSH?" Halsey exclaimed.

"You hear that Mikey?" She turned to look at me. Her face fell. "Uh, Mikey?"

I was staring off at the inner field, looking at all the different players. I observed each and every one of them, trying to find which one could have caused (Y/N) to move on so quickly, while I was still bitching about our break up that happened seven fucking months ago.

God, I'm so worthless without her. My eyes moved onto a boy who stood out from the rest of them. Height wise, at least.

Hmm, 22.

Maybe it was him.

Or maybe Alex was joking.

Hopefully, she was joking.

I continued to look at him before Halsey rudely waved a hand before my face. I snapped out of my jealousy induced daze.

"Yo! Mikey!" Halsey chuckled. I turned to her with a glare.
She glared right back.

I rolled my eyes and leaned over to look at (Y/N).

"Which one is it?" I asked, shouting a bit since two idiots were in between us.

"I'm not telling you," (Y/N) sassed.

"Oh, so you don't deny that you have a crush on him?" I retorted.

(Y/N) turned away from me with a huff, while Alex and Halsey snickered at my apparent jealousy. And yes, I knew that it was obvious that I was jealous. I was burning with jealousy. I wanted to be the one who she looked at with star-crossed eyes and adoration and awe.

For the rest of the game, it was hard to pay attention to it, knowing (Y/N) had feelings for one of the players. It frustrated me not knowing who it was.

It was towards the middle of the game, I glanced over at (Y/N) and her eyes seemed to track one single thing.

A single person.

Her eyes would light up every so often. And her focus seemed to be focused on nothing but whoever she had her heart on.

I really wish I hadn't come along to this game, because now I have a whole stew of new emotions to wallow in.

Maybe Ryan was right.

Maybe (Y/N) is a fucking whore.

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