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I almost got kidnapped and I didn't even get my burger


(Lexie you ass you better actually include this)

Hey it's Mai the co-author/Lexie's slave [TheAnimeBaka], I procrastinated so hard on this oops writer's block is great. Also Lexie is an annoying twat and so is my mom

[excuse me I am a delight mai you rat]


I woke up in my bed. Or more accurately, a bed. I sat up straight, a wave of panic washing over me. I fearfully glanced at my surroundings.

I made the sickening realization that I was sitting in Mikey Fucking Way's bedroom.

I jumped off the bed. I looked down at my body.
I was clothed, and I was wearing exactly what I wore to the party last night. But I still had to be sure.
I dashed out of the room and searched the house for Mikey, while also taking care to make sure my prescence wasn't known if other members of the Way family were present.

I found the little bitch lounging on the couch in their living room, watching TV. I stepped in front of him, obscuring his view of the TV. He pushed me out of the way and I huffed in annoyance.
"Oh great, you're awake," he muttered. "The front door's right there. See ya."

"Hey, I need to ask you something, jackass." I said, stepping in front of him again.

Mikey rolled his eyes and sat up with a groan, as though every ounce of effort caused him physical agony.

"What could you possibly need to ask me?"

"Did we fuck?"

"No!" Mikey exclaimed, sitting up straight.

"Nonononono. No."

"Okay, okay," I said, chuckling. Then I got serious again. "Why the hell am I in your house if we didn't fuck?"

"Halsey abandoned you and there was no one else to take care of your drunken ass so I took you home and you crashed on the couch. And I couldn't just leave you there so I, uh, carried you up to my room and there you slept." Mikey explained.

"Why would you—nevermind," I said, shaking my head. "One last question... Did I do anything weird?"

A smirk spread across Mikey's face. It was the kind of smirk he usually had when he was gonna say something snarky.

"No, don't tell me. I don't think I'd ever be able to live it down." I said.
"Suit yourself," he replied, leaning back. "Just know that I remember eeeverything."

I hesitated for a moment. "Yeah, I think I'm better off not knowing." I muttered, heading for the front door.

"By the way, you're a terrible flirt!" Mikey called after me.


I'll ask him in twelve years.

If I haven't killed myself yet.


Lexie threatened to kill me so I hope this is sufficient (probably not) I gonna take a 12 hour power nap now


Bitch im*

Mai you dumb rat

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