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Hey I washed my hair are you proud of me

October 12th, 2018
2:48 AM

Dally joined the chat

Dally added Ryan to the chat

Dally left the chat

5:58 PM

Plexiglass joined the chat

Plexiglass: (Y/N)

(Y/N) joined the chat

(Y/N): what the fuck do you want

Plexiglass: I'm begging you


(Y/N): fuck no

Litboi joined the chat

Litboi: oh my god

Litboi: you and Mikey haven't gone to school for almost four weeks

Litboi: why

Litboi: can't

Litboi: you

Litboi: just

Litboi: GO

Plexiglass: I had to lie to the principal and say you were in a coma and that's why you haven't been to school.

Plexiglass: do you know how pathetic that is

(Y/N): you did it not me

Litboi: I'll smash another bass

(Y/N): do it

(Y/N): I really don't give a shit

Litboi: oh

Plexiglass: well™

Moikey joined the chat

Moikey: Nope my branding

Moikey left the chat


(Y/N): oh well

(Y/N) left the chat

Litboi: Ugh

Plexiglass: Ugh

Plexiglass left the chat

Litboi left the chat

6:20 AM

I jolted up when I heard my door burst open.

"What the fuck do you want?" I groaned, running a hand through my bleached hair that was about a sixth of my natural hair color at the top.

Or roots.

I could just say roots.

"Why won't you go to school?" Alex sat across from me on my bed as Halsey sat next to me, on my right.

"Because," I groaned, laying back down.

"I just want to cry and fantasize about death."

Halsey and Alex look a glance at each other, then back at me. Alex sighed, shaking her head slightly, "You're gonna have to go at one point."

"Yeah, But I don't wanna," I replied as Halsey pulled on my arm, causing me to sit up straight.

"Welcome to being a teenager, Urie. Finally, nineteen days before you're an adult, you've become a teenager."

"Can I please just stay home today? I'll go to school on Monday, I promise," I pleaded as Alex sighed, looking at Halsey as they communicated with their eyes.

"..Fine, But if you're so late to school by one hour, I'll kick your sorry ass, and lock you in a room with Mikey," Alex stated, standing up as Halsey did the same.

"Fine, bye," I muttered, laying back down.

"Bye loser," Halsey slightly waved as they left my room, Halsey closing the door behind them.





11:37 AM

"Is that.. one direction?" I chuckled, turning my head to the right to look at Mikey who immediately shut his mouth.

"...Do you remember summer '09?" Mikey sheepishly smiled as I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Mikey, stop."

"Wanna go back there every night," his smile grew larger.

This boy is not serious right now.

"Just can't lie, it was the best time of my life."

"Yeah, probably because you were eight, Mikey."

"Lying on the beach as the sun blew out."

"You're such a ten year old, god."

"Playing this guitar by the fire too loud."

I sighed, slightly shaking my head, looking up at the white popcorn ceiling.

"Oh my my, they could never shut us down."

The taller boy pulled me closer to him, resting his chin on top of my head.

"I used to think I was better alone."

"Mikey, you need to shut the fuck up."

"Why did I ever wanna let you go?"

I stopped replying to his crappy one direction lyrics.

"Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea."

What is this boy trying to accomplish.

I let out a small chuckle. My boyfriend, in a rock band, is singing one direction.

"The words you whispered I will always believe."

I looked back at the blonde boy aside me who had a smirk on his face. He clearly knew I hated one direction.

I mean, at least "Rock Me" was actually sort of a good song.

"I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah."

I gave him a look of 'why are you doing this to me' as he just tauntingly smiled.

This fucking idiot.

This fucking, beautiful, idiot bass boy.

I sighed, throwing a random book across my room. Why the fuck did this summer have to happen?

"Can you stop throwing things at your wall?! It's been going on for hours, and it's annoying!" My twin brother yelled as I sat up straight, confused. "Brendon, why are you home?!"

"Because I'm worried if you're alone in this house you're gonna kill yourself!"



"Am I correct?!"


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