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Davey sat down in his cell, the boat gently rocking this way and that, almost like it was trying to lull him to sleep.

Being alone half the time, it was easy to get lost in thought. He thought of home, of his brother Les and what he'd say once he realized Davey was gone, wondered what his parents would do.

He wondered if he'd ever be allowed off this tub.

"Oi, land boy"

Davey looked up into emerald eyes, the blond man standing over him with a wooden tray, "hungry?"

Davey nodded, the blond passed the food through the bars and Davey started to wolf it down, not realizing how hungry he was until that moment.

"I'm Crutchie, you's is Davey yea?"

Davey nodded, shoving more food into his mouth and Crutchie grunted as he tried to sit down, Davey getting a good look at him.

Crutchie was shorter than him and probably shorter than Jack, golden hair with emerald eyes, he was muscular but that was hidden behind raggedy clothes.

The thing that really caught Davey's attention, was the necklace.

The necklace was a small starfish, it was oddly blue and almost glowing.

Davey swallowed and looked at Crutchie, "you swim a lot?"

Crutchie paled, shook his head, "how in hell can I swim with one leg? Use ya head land boy"

"Sorry sorry just....swimmers build and the necklace"

Crutchie huffed and hid the necklace in his clothes, taking Davey's empty tray back and using a bar to stand before he walked away.

Davey leaned back against the wall, watching as Crutchie left. Least he was being fed.

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