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Davey sat with Jack and Kathrine around a fire, Jack looking like he was about to cry at any given moment while Kathrine rubbed his arm.

"It'll be alright jack"

"How?! We lost Crutch, half my guys are held up with severe injuries..."

Davey chewed on his lip, looking at the ship where he could see Spot checking over that man named Racetrack. 

"We get Crutchie back" 

Jack's head snapped round to Davey, standing up and getting in the taller's face, eyes alight with fury and grief, 

"What?! Just go into the fort and demand Crutch back? That's your plan?!" 

"You have a better one?!" Davey shouted, quickly feeling a familiar rage bubbling in his stomach, "Crutchie is lost, its not your fault but he could die if we don't go after him!" 

"No fucking shit!" Jack shouted back and Davey roughly shoved the captain, Jack falling onto the ground and staring at Davey in shock before he got up again with more rage burning bright in his eyes, Kathrine was between them in almost a millisecond. 

"ENOUGH" She yelled, putting her hands on their chests, "That's enough the both of you! Jack, Davey is right, unless we go after Crutchie he could be hanged..". 

Jack stopped, breathing heavily as he stared at Davey before he nodded sharply, turning on his heel and shouting up at Romeo to make sail for Pulitzer's fort. 

Davey nodded to Kathrine in thanks, she smiled and followed Jack up on the ship, Davey taking one last look around before he followed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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