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Davey was let of of the cell by a short Hispanic man and a taller one with a cigar between his lips. He was taken up deck all the way into the captains quarters where Jack and Crutchie where huddled around a desk.  

"Thanks Romeo and Race, you two can leave now" 

The two men holding Davey left and left the dark haired man in the room with the captain and his first mate, dark eyes met his own. 

"Got a map, can you read it?" 

"Most likely" Davey said, walking over to the table and looking down at it,"Its a star map" 

"How do we follow it?" Crutchie asked and his voice had to be the cutest thing Davey ever heard. 

"Like this" Davey said, pointing to the west star and moving it, "Looks like you want to follow the southern star for your treasure" 

Jack grinned widely at Crutchie who smiled at Davey, Jack clapped his hands together, 

"So we port at Brook, get Kathrine" 

"And spot? we need his support for this" 

"good as done with our new diplomat" Jack said, gesturing to Davey who paled ten shades.

Crutchie looked at Davey and then shrugged, nodding to Jack and limping out of the room, Jack turned to Davey, 

"Hope you don't scare easily".

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