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Brook was a city and in its heart, belonged to pirates. 

She was full of lust, gambling, alcohol, stolen goods and murder. 

Basically, Davey was very very out of place, he wandered the dirty streets of brook alongside Jack, the shorter man seemed perfectly at home, in fact this probably was his home, or the closest thing to it. 

The two walked into a pub, Jack grabbing Davey's arm and leading him to a table where there sat a short man, dark curly hair and muscular arms thinly clothed by a red and black shirt, Davey could see a tooth gap when he spoke.

"Jack Kelly" The man said, sounding interested, "what brings you here fella?" 

"Spot Conlon" Jack said back, almost mimicking the other pirate, "What brings us here, is we need that compass of yours" 

Spot barked out a laugh, "You take this compass and you're taking me" 

Davey looked at Jack who narrowed his eyes at Davey, Davey nodded, Jack grit his teeth. 


"And I get ten percent of the treasure" 

"Fuck that" 

"Jack please...". 

Jack tensed before he looked at Spot, "Five percent"

"Deal" Spot said, spitting on his hand and shaking Jacks, Davey wrinkled his nose, 

"that's disgusting" 

"Its just business" Jack said, a grin forming on his face and he looked at Davey, "go enjoy yourself land boy, see you back at the ship". 


Davey didn't do as Jack expected maybe, he walked along the beach instead, listening to the waves crashing and lapping gently at the rocks below him, rocking the ships every what way. 

Davey hummed to himself, letting himself be bathed in moon and starlight when he saw someone sitting on a rock below. 

It was Crutchie, the blonds green eyes almost glowing with the moonlight and Davey almost walked over before Crutchie started to take his clothes off and Davey's breath hitched, he should have walked away, left as fast as he could, do something other than stand there and watch as more and more of Crutchie's pale skin was unclothed. 

Finally, Crutchie let out a breath and took the necklace he always wore off, Davey's mouth gaping like a fishes as Crutchie's legs melded together into a beautiful tail. 

All Davey could see was the glimmer of green, a broken fin with a chunk taken from it and Davey whispered to himself, 


Crutchie suddenly perked up and looked around, Davey hiding away behind a store as Crutchie called out. 

There was another thing for Davey to believe in. 

Pirates life for me.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang