Our Childhood Story

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A story by a popular figure.
I will be using their stage names as real names.


"Saitō Shuka" A little girl tensed up when she heard her name being called. The little girl named 'Shuka'. Shuka stood up and bowed. The class clapped. Shuka sat back. "I**** A***". A tall girl stood up with her hands on her pockets. The teacher sighed and nodded. The class looked confused but clapped anyways. Shuka looked at Anju confused.

'Transfer student?'...


I sat back with a quiet sigh escaping from my mouth as I sat on the corner of the cafeteria. Are you asking how old I am? I'm 9 years old... I me-

"Hey!" I heard a voice. I looked to my side and saw the same girl from the ceremony. "Hm?" I asked trying to be nice "My name is S***** S****!" She said. I looked at her as she held out her hand. Probably for me to shake. I took her hand. I felt myself smiling just from her smile. "My name is Inami Anju." I said smiling "Want to be friends?" She asked. I got shocked and looked up at her "Me..? Why?" I asked "You seem very interesting and I can see a bright future ahead! Full steam ahead? Aye aye!" She giggled. I smiled and it turned to a grin. "Sure!" I said "Nice to meet you.."  I said.

"Like wise!"


I kept on wondering who that person was... I was dazing off that I didn't noticed someone was calling me.

"Hey Shuka? You there?" Asked someone. I snapped out from my fantasies and looked at the person infront of me, my sibling. My sister. She smiled and hitted my head gently "Thinking about your boyfriend, sis?" She teased. I felt my face heated up and punch her shoulder "Hey. It's your turn to cook!" She said. I smiled and saluted "Maybe on that mind of yours. The person you wanted to meet will probably meet you soon" Her sibling said with a smile. Shuka pouted and looked away with a 'hmpf'!


"Hmm..." I grumbled. I continued tapping my foot. "Hey! Calm there!" A manly voice said. I looked upstairs seeing papa. Smiling down at me. I smiled back and greeted him.

"Papa, what are you doing here?" I asked "I heard your tapping. It was really loud" He said. I just sighed and sat down the couch letting him sat with me. "What is bugging you?" He asked. "Well, I have a schoolmate when I was a 3rd grader, I think she's a 2nd grader...Back then" I answered. "Her name starts with 'S' so is her last name..." I sighed slumping down. He just smiled and pat my back "That was years ago. Is she special to you?" He asked. I nodded "She was my first friend after all.." I laughed lightly "Maybe fate can play tricks on you and you two might end up meeting eachother" He said trying to encourage me. I just smiled and shrugged it off. "Take a rest, papa" I said "Says the one" He smirked. I giggled and punched him lightly on the shoulder.


But that is very possible....Who knows?

Cold Days < AnShuka (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now