The Hang Out And Another Rival!?

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× = Time Skip
×× = Day Skip
××× = Year Skip

Time Skip

"Man..." Anju groaned "I know.." Shuka sighed and slumped on her seat as she heard Anju groaned "The test...What..." Anju muttered "How about we guys go out to remove this stress out of our mind?" Shuka suggested and looked around the fellow seiyuus. "That was a great idea but..." AiAi trailed off and looked to the others who are frowning "We're busy" AiAi asked "Eh?" Shuka said shocked. "So basically me and Anji are the only one who aren't busy?" Shuka asked "You two are the youngest so yeah" Suwawa shrugged. Shuka and Anju looked at eachother then back at the oyhers "You guys sure?" Shuka asked "100%" Rikako laughed. Shuka smiled a little then nodded.

Time Skip

"Geez..How come all of them are busy?" Shuka sighed and continued licking her ice cream "They're old" Anju simply said then giggled "That's harsh" Shuka laughed and stood up, as soon as she did, her ice cream fell off (My worst nightmare) she squeaked and freaked out. Anju stared at her panicking state and stood up, shaking her shoulder since her other hand isn't available. "Here" Anju said and gave Shuka her own ice cream, Shuka stopped panicking and looked ay the ice cream and to Anju's eyes "A-Are you sure?" Shuka asked, Anju looked away and nodded shyly "Waah! Thank you Anchan!" Shuka said and took the ice cream away from Anju's hand and jugged her tightly with her available hand.

Shuka started (licking) eating it and Anju just realized one thing.

'Isn't inderect kiss!?!' Anju thought "Hey" Shuka said that snapped Anju out from her thoughts "I'm gonna be the one who will melt instead of this ice cream" Shuka joked. Anju's face grew (50) shades of red and shooked her head rapidly "Hey! You'll get dizzy!" Shuka laughed. Anju stopped and pouted "Stop teasing me" Anju pouted "I'm not teasing you!" Shuka smirked and finished her ice cream. Anju noticed there are left over bits at the corner of Shuka's mouth. She smirked and grabbed Shuka's chin. Shuka was frozen in her place, but let Anju do it anyways. Anju wiped the ice cream by her thumb and pulled her hand back, licking the left over ice cream, Shuka's jaw just widen up, her eyes are widen in pure shock and confusion. It took her a while to finally realize what was going on and saw Anju smirking. "ANCHAN!!" Shuka yelled. Anju laughed and held out a 'peace' sign and ran away leaving the shouting Shuka. Shuka was stunned and ran towards her. "That's not fair!!" Shuka groaned. "It was a payback!!" Anju laughed "Just get back here!" Shuka yelled.

'Such a bold move! Anju! What are you doing!?' Anju thought while cupping her mouth from embarrassment...

Technical Errors, Please Stand By


"How was your date?" Ainya asked "Aina-san!" Arisha scolded. Ainya looked at her and smiled innocently.

"I..It's a hang out.." Shuka stuttered "She just stuttered" AiAi pointed out "Ohohoh, I wonder what happened~" Ainya teased "Oh shut it.." Shuka rolled her eyes.



"I enjoyed your company today, Anchan" Shuka smiled amd placed her head on Anju's shoulder "You were really fun with. I bet your..Future....Husband or...Boyfriend will be lucky to have you" Anju said. Shuka noticed how troubled Anju was speaking and asked her with a tint of concern found in her voice "You seemed trouble, what happened?" Shuka asked. Anju stiffened and Shuka felt it but decided not to ask "Nothing, I'm just really tired right now" Anju lied and Shuka seemed to fell for it and shrugged it off "Oh, and why did you stiffened?" Shuka asked. Anju smiled and shrugs her shoulder "It's just you" Anju lied, again..

Shuka raised an eyebrow, very much suspicious of Anju's actions. She shrugged it off and kept her head on Anju's shoulder.


As soon as Anju and Shuka got out, they turned to face eachother and smiled, they were about to say goodbyes. But Shuka's name was heard. Shuka flinched and turned around, only to be seeing an old friend of hers. Her eyes widen and smiled widely. She waved at the person and the person waved back.

"Yuki!" Shuka greeted. Yuki smiled back and hugged her tightly "Still small as every I see! Oh! Who's this friend of yours?" Yuki asked as she noticed Anju standing. Shuka grinned and introduced Anju. "That's Inami Anju! My fellow worker!" Shuka said. Anju looked at them with un explainable look. Yui looked at her hardly as if she's glaring at her. Anju stepped back a little and harden her stare at Yuki too. Shuka noticed it and looked at them weirdly

"Cheer up guys! C'mon!" Shuka said and turned to Anju "We've got to go, Anchan! Have a safe trip!" Shuka waved. Anju smiled at her "You too" Said Anju. Shuka nodded and waved goodbye to her. Shuka walked away without Yuki behind her.

"I see, so you also fell for her?" Yuki asked to Anju, stepping alittle closer to her. Anju raised an eyebrow and asked; "Also?"

"Yeah, many people has been falling for her and that included me and you. Just to make sure that I.Won't.Lose.To.You" Yuki said. Emphasizing every word she was saying from the last sentence. She walked away following Shuka.

Anju was left there in shock. Not able to say anything good.

She hardened her glare to the retreating figure of Yuki but melted once she saw Shuka smiling and laughing. She sighed and went to another direction.

Gee, here I thought I can spend much more time with her. Oh wow I'm so selfish..

Cold Days < AnShuka (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora