The Audition

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"I can't believe time already pass..." Said a judge disapproving to the person infront of them. The person sighed sadly and walked away.

"Next...." The judge sighed. A long haired girl walked inside the room with a smile. The girl smiled at the judges and bowed down. A person yelled 'Accepted!' but was followed by a loud bang. The girl sweat dropped at them and just smiled nervously...

"Saitō Shuka, eh? From the Holy Peak as Hida Yuchika" A judge said. Shuka froze up and nodded "Saitō Shuka, nice to meet you" Said the judge. Shuka bowed again. "Age?.." A judge asked. Shuka answered with the, "18"

The judges sat there in shock but soon nodded...

"What are you performing?" Asked another judge "Watanabe Yō.." Shuka said. The judges smiled and nodded. And opened their mouth and spoke,



> Shuka <

As I continued saying those lines. I felt eyes at the side of my head. I turned my eyes to the corner of my eyes to see who was peeking at me and saw a girl that has her hair reached under her shoulders. I smiled at her and by the looks of it. She looked away. I shrugged it off and continued reciting not caring about the stare.


I stretched and walked out the studio. I felt a tap on shoulder. I looked at my back and saw the same girl as before. I just gave my best smile and waved at her. Followed by a, "Hi!"

She smiled back and waved too.

"What's your name?" She asked. I just giggled "Saitō Shuka, yours?" I asked. She smiled and took my hand shaking it "Anju Inami" She said. I felt my cheeks heaten up..She's so cute...! "O....Oh..W-want to be friends?" She stuttered, it made me heaten up my face even more into another darker 50 shades of red "You look pretty red...Are you okay?" She asked concerned. I just nodded my head "S-So.. Uhmm...What do you say?" She asked "Ofcourse! Yeah!  I would love to! Nice to meet you!" I said happily as mysterious energy came in crashing to my muscles "Likewise..." She said. We shook our hands and felt an electricity just shot through our body..


"Nice to meet you" Said a girl. The smaller girl grinned and nodded



Third Person

"So I've heard that the voice actors are gonna be shown tomorrow?" Anju asked "Mhm, it was pretty fast. I'm worried about the girl that got no script on her paper.." Shuka sighed, Anju looked at her "I think I know her" Anju said. Shuka's ears perked up and looked at Anju in disbelief "Really? What's her name?" Shuka asked. "She was the radio girl, her name was Suwa Nanaka, she signed in for Matsuura Kanan, the 2nd version of Ayase Eli" Anju sighed. Suddenly, a girl ran past them accidentally bumping to Both of Anju and Shuka's shoulders. She tripped and almost landed but Shuka got this fast reflexes and grabbed the woman's arm before falling down. Shuka sigjed inrelief and pulled the woman up. "Be careful.." Shuka smiled. The woman with mask nodded and bowed down. "I'm sorry, I was in a rush.." The woman said "It's okay, watch where you're going next time, what's your name?" Anju asked "Rikako.." The girl said. "Is that your name or last name?" Shuka asked "Name...Now, please excuse me I'm on a rush...I'm sorry for sounding rude..I was really needed right now..Bye!" The woman named 'Rikako' said before dashing away.

"Well, that was weir, I forgot to ask how old you are " Anju said. Shuka tensed up and scratched her nape nervously "18 years old..Signed in for Watanabe Yō" Shuka said. Anju looked at her amazed "19 years old, I signed up for Takami Chika" Anju introduced "Well, looks like our characters are partners in crime" Shuka giggled. Anju chuckled and continued what they are doing.


"Hey, I enjoyed talking to you Saitō-san" Anju said "Shuka is fine" Shuka laughed "Then call me Anju instead of Inami-san" Anju said "Can't promise that Inami~" Shuka teased. Anju pouted and looked away "I was just joking! Geez!" Shuka said. Anju looked at her and smiled slightly "You're fun to talk with" Anju said "Really? People think I'm annoying..." Shuka said "Well, not for me" Anju said "Are you try'na hit on me or spmethin'?" Shuka smirked. Anju choked to her own saliva and fumbled around "N-NO! What makes you think of something like that! Idiot Shuka!" Anju blushed. Shuka made a peace sign and laughed. Anju soon realized her laugh made her laugh too.


She looks familiar...

Cold Days &lt; AnShuka (DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum