Unknown secrets

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"When are you going to tell him?"
"Tonight when he gets back in town from the meeting"
"You think he will be happy Trish?"
"Of course he will Cassie.... and I don't doubt that he won't, you shouldn't either" ,Trish said as we were sitting on my bed in me and Jason's room.

Ik three years has passed and they went fast a lot has happened. As you can tell I said yes to being with  him and everything has been awesome .Jason has been awesome. He's been traveling a lot lately and yes I do be missing him but he is in fact the alpha of his pack and he has his duties he has to attend.

One thing that i know for sure within these three years that I have chosen to become his Luna. I feel as if I'm ready but i was not good enough. No one knows that I felt like they could have had a better Luna then me because I don't show it.  Then having another Luna would mean that I would be giving up the love of my life to someone else and I can't do that. I won't lose the bets thing in my just because I'm afraid to be Luna , that I might be a failure to the pack. Now that I am Luna I have to be what's best for the pack.

We have grown stronger over theses years and he has opened up to me about things that he has never told anyone even his sister things he had to deal with that made him they way that he is. I must admit though he has softened up a bit but he is still not to be messed with. Still the number one most feared alpha.   O yeah and I almost forgot Cody, mark and james are all mates. It tools everyone a minute to realize. They kept it a secret from us because they were afraid we would judge them but in reality we were all happy for them. They all got married as well as Trish and Carl. I was so happy for them they all deserved each-other.

"Wanna watch a movie ?" Trish says taking me out of deep thought

"Yeah.... we got time to waste might as well, you get the movie I get the snacks"

"Deal" I heard as I was walking to the kitchen.
I got all the snacks and went back into the theater room.

"Twix....apple juice ... skittles....bbq chips and what else am I forgetting .... POPCORN" Trish said as I was walking in about to sit down.

"Check..check..check..check andddddd check. So what did you pick to watch ?"

" I'm taking it back old school. It's between the cheetah girls or high school musical" she said with a big grin on her face because she knew which one I was going to pick.

"Now you know my Zach always"

As we were watching the movie I got this text from Jason saying he missed me and that he is on his ways home to me now. He went out of town and I will take him three hours to get back.
I txted back and told him that I missed him to and that I would see him when he got here and to be safe.
After watching another movie I decided that I was going to go take a relaxing bath before he got here and Trish agreed and left to her and Carl's house they got it two years ago.

40 mins later~~~~~~~ Cassie POV
"That's was nice" I said as I was stepping out of the tub.
I heard a car door close and I knew that it was Jason so I hurried to put my night gown on and fixed my hair. As I was almost done I heard Jason call my name from down stairs.
I was terrified for him to come up stairs and see me and have to tell him this secret I've been holding from him a long time. I was afraid of what he might think or say. I guess I must have zoned out because next thing I knowJason's is knocking at the door.
{Knock knock}
"Babygirl are you okay? I can hear your heart beating fast and it not the happy fast so what's wrong? Can you come out please" Jason said in a calm voice which help me calm my nerves and say to myself it's going to be okay, no matter what he thinks or says. So I walk to the bathroom door and open it slowly. I watch as Jason trails his eyes down my body and stop at my stomach he look at it for a while then look me in the eyes.
I see anger flash in them then it was gone. I felt hurt. I had told Trish that he was going to be upset. I couldn't do anything but let a few tears shed.
"Cassie? Wha...whe....how long have you known?"
I looked down ashamed because I knew I should have told him.
"A month ago when you were away I felt sick so I went to the pack doctor and she told me I was pregnant. I didn't want to tell you because you would come back and try to take care of me even though I'm fine . You would put aside your duties as the alpha of this pack you were away on Business that yo."I kept on rambling on scared that he would be angry and wouldn't understand.
"You are my business Cassie, you are the Luna of this pack. Your well being and in this case my child is my priority as well as this pack. You may not know it but you are just as important." He says cutting me off. I couldn't do nothing to stop the tears as they came falling from my eyes.
The way he sounded so hurt only pained me more. I just wanted to run and hide and never show my face again. I never wanted to ever hear him hurt like that not by me or anyone.
I heard him move closer to me until I seen his shoes in my peripheral vision. I couldn't look up and see the hurt in his eyes.
"Cassie look at me"
"Look at me babygirl"
He put his hand on my chin to make me look at him and he wiped my tears away but they just kept falling.
"I understand if you don't want the child but I will keep it and raise it it will have a loving mother and aunt. Just let m........."
Jason shut my ranting up by kissing me. Couldn't do anything but kiss him back cuz this could be the last kiss I get.
"What are you talking about I want my child and I want you so DONT and I mean don't ever let that come out of your mouth or even think it do you hear me?"
I shock my head yes
"I'm so happy..... I'm having a child .....I'm going to be a dad."
"Yes you are"
Hello, so how did you love the suspense of finding out what Cassie was hiding from Jason?
I know I've been away for a while but hopefully between work and life I will be updating a couple time a month.

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