Chapter 1 - My Coffee!

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Jasmine's POV -

"So this be will be your room, Jazz," my best friend Alexia says, showing me the blue and black themed room.

"Thanks for everything, Al," I reply with a smile as I put down my bags on the blue queen sized bed.

I study in the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and trust me they have great dorms, but it's our trimester break. So, everyone's gone back to their home. I, like always, had intended to go back to India.

But, Al's cousin was falling short of a bridesmaid and I was called in for the last minute replacement. So, that's how I ended up living with my best friend.


"Where is it?" I ask Al while looking around.

Yup, I LOVE Oreo.

"Not here. I just knew you'll come back to life as soon as you would hear its name," Al replies with a smirk.

"You are a devil," I reply with a pout.

"Well that makes sense because you are Satan. Anyways, I am really excited for this break! You are staying back in San Diego, my cousin's getting married, my brother's coming back from New York and Jayden will be here too," Al replies, excitedly.

"You do know I have been practically studying in San Diego since the past six years."

"Well, it's different. Now you are going to live here!"

"Lexi, lower down your excitement or the house's going to come down, sweetie," Mrs. Lancaster says, entering the room.

Al and her mom are really alike. Al's the spitting image of her mom. Both have blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. But Al's a bit short, provided you consider 5'3" short.

"Afternoon, Mrs. L," I greet Mrs. Lancaster, but as all Lancasters, she's a hugger too.

Let me tell you one thing, hugging runs in their family.

"Good afternoon, honey. I am so glad you are going to stay this summer with us, Jazz. We are going to do lots of baking and gardening. My daughter's home!" Mrs. L says, cheerfully.

You see the resemblance between Al and Mrs. L? No? Then I think you are just cranky for not having your daily cup of coffee.

"Mom, you do know you have me - your daughter always around the house," Al replies with a pointed look.

"No offence, honey, but you do know you almost burned down the house?"

"That was one time and that doesn't prove anything," Al scoffs as she turns to face me.

"Besides, Jazz is the clumsy one out of us."

"What? Me? Clumsy? As if," I roll my eyes in denial, but luck's never on my side.

So I trip over air. Yes, people you heard me I tripped over 'air'. I groan as I get up from the floor. Falling face first twenty times a day is not easy. It requires talent, okay?

Do you think I might get my name in the Guinness Book Of World Records? After all my talent should be recognized. You can't find people tripping over air so easily.

"Did you see that, mom?" Al asks, pointing to me and my little fiasco.

"That honey is called talent," Mrs. L replies with a smirk as we high five each other.

Mrs. L is really a cool mom and a good friend of my mamma too.

"That's not fair you are my mother and you are my best friend," Al whines like a little kid while we laugh.

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