Chapter 17 : Vile Existence Of Avocados!!

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Recap -

Jazz comes back from the walk with Oreo. It is revealed that Rebecca is not Xander's ex girlfriend.

Jasmine's POV - (Continuation)

I stare at Xander's blue eyes as he abruptly breaks off our eye contact. I wonder what he was thinking about.

Somebody clears their throat, I turn around to see Rebecca staring at Xander and me.

"So, we are doing barbeque as you can see," Rebecca says as her hands gesture me to the barbeque team.

Seriously, where do you get these names from?

More like my

"Here, try something. We just finished our first batch," Sandra says, holding a tray of the smoked tofu sandwich and grilled burgers and Mediterranean grilled avocados stuffed with something, I can't really decipher at the moment.

"No, I really cannot have them. Though I appreciate the offer. Thank you so much, Sandra," I reply politely.

"Oh come on, it does not have poison. I won't poison you. We may not have a good start, but I don't wanna go into jail so young," Rebecca said, taking the tray from Sandra and holding it in front of me.

"No, you don't get it, I am-" my words are cut off midway as all of a sudden Rebecca thrusts the grilled avocado in my mouth with so much force that I almost choke in it.

"See that was eas-Wait, why do you look so pale, all of a sudden?" Rebecca asks as I realize much to my horror the side effects begin immediately.

"That's *sneeze* because *sneeze* I am *sneeze* allergic to *sneeze* avocado," I barely complete the sentence before the itching starts. As I scratch my arm like a chipmunk, everyone stares at me.

"Please *sneeze* get me *sneeze* cup of *sneeze* green tea *sneeze* quickly," I say as I search the pockets of my hoodie for some aloe vera gel and start to quickly apply it on my itching skin.

I always keep some of it with me, in case I eat avocado by mistake. I look around to see Rebecca and Sandra running off to the kitchen probably to get me a cup of green tea. Xander looks at me with concern etched all over his face.

As I feel bile rising in my throat, I rush to the bathroom. Here goes all my lovely breakfast of Oreos, I think to myself as I vomit all the food in the basin. Someone enters the bathroom, but I don't have the time to see as I feel a second round of bile making its way out.

I suddenly feel someone holding my hair back as I literally vomit my guts out. As soon as the hand starts to rub my back in a comfortable manner, I realize it's none other than Xander.

I rinse my mouth, trying to clear the horrible taste in my mouth. Taking in a deep breath, I hold the sides of the wash basin for support as I take a moment to compose myself.

"Cocoa," Xander calls out to me. I turn around with my pale face, teary eyes and red skin.

What? I am not assuming it all from all the chick flicks I read yesterday. I saw my horrible reflection in the mirror.

Xander slowly dabs the wet cold towel on my face, wiping away all the sweat that had appeared from nowhere. The cold wet towel dilutes the itching on my skin and I slightly feel better.

I look at Xander as he carefully and gently continues to wipe my whole face with the towel. I wonder why he's not disgusted by all of it? I mean a vomiting scene is not the best scene of anyone's life. Yet, he seems unaffected to it.

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