Chapter 23 - You Are Not The Boss Of Me!

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Jazz's POV -

Sighing, I open the door to come face to face with the last person I wish to see on this planet.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I yell at the abomination sitting on my bed, going through my things.

"Now, now Jessie, is that the way to address your best friend?" Aman asks with a smirk playing on his lips.

"EX-best friend!" I spat in response as I decide to stick around the door, already feeling my anger coursing through my veins.

"What are you doing here?" I ask a bit more calmly as he simply raises his eyebrow in response.

"I won't repeat my-- "

"Just please hear me out and then I'll leave you in peace here. Okay?"

"No, not okay. I don't want to hear you or your lies. So, just get the hell out of here," I reply glaring at him as I snatch my English books away from him.

"My feelings for you were not lies, Jessie-- "

"It's Jasmine for you," I say, clenching my fist.

"As I was saying, before I was rudely cut off, my feelings for you were never lies and I have and I still will apologize to you if I hurt you in any-- "

"IF?! If you say? You f**king used my sister to get to me, you manipulative jerk!" I scream at him.

"I never asked her to develop feelings for me-- "

"So, that justifies you using her?"

"Yes! I will go to any limits I have to, to get you. You are the love of my life, I'll not lose you to her or to anyone!"

"You call this love?" I ask him, letting out a humorless laugh.

"If you truly loved me, you would have never hurt me, you would have never hurt my best friend, you wouldn't have used such means to manipulate my emotions!"

"You call her your best friend, your sister? That b***h was never your best friend, she was f**king using you, that w**re of a social climber. I just showed her, her place-- "

"SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT HER, NOT AFTER WHAT YOU DID, YOU F**KING PRICK!!" I scream at him as I turn around to leave the waste of oxygen to rotten here, but suddenly he grabs me by my wrist, pinning me down the wall.

"You will not disrespect me, not now, not ever," he says as he holds me by my shoulder, glaring at me.

"You are not the boss of me. I will respect whoever I feel deserves to be and you will never earn my respect," I spat back as I push him away.

"Why don't you just accept my feelings? Why do you care so much for that b**ch, she was just a s**t-- "


"If I knew that, that s**t would have destroyed our friendship, I would have never used that approach," he mumbled, frowning at me.

"The person you keep on calling names like s**t, w***e, has a name. She was my best friend! How dare you call her all this when you knew she was always f***ing loyal to you, too loyal to you to let her take her virginity!!"

"I never asked her to give it to me, but that attention seeker just couldn't let us see together-- "

"US?! Us?!! There was and will never be an us, get that through your f***ing thick skull."

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