Chapter 21 - Maturity sucks!!

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(A/N - The text written in Italics usually denotes Jasmine's inner voice.)

Jazz's POV :

I groan as I feel my body ache from soreness. I groggily open my eyes only to come face to face with a sleeping Xander's face. I look at my hands which are intertwined with his hands. I try to pry them away but that only tightens his grip on them.

Sighing I look around his room, while the prince sleeps on the bed, poor little me had fallen asleep on his carpet near the bed in sitting position. Yes, I slept while sitting since someone won't leave my hands and I had no option but to sit down. Well I could have slept on his bed, but I doubt either of us would have appreciated....



You know the position, when you are giving an affectionate embrace to someone.

I know what cuddling is dumbo.

You just called yourself, dumbo.


You know how we are the same person.

Ugh, I can't deal with you early morning.

Same here. Now focus on the handsome there.

Sighing, I look at Xander.

Flashback -
(Yesterday night)

I woke up on hearing Oreo's constant barking. When I woke up, I got two shocks. First, I was in the guest room when the last thing I remembered was sitting in the living room. I think Xander tucked me in, which I am thankful for. Second shock was seeing Oreo so aggravated that not only was he barking, but also scratching the door as if to open it.

I quickly scrambled out of the bed to open the door. As soon as I had opened the door, Oreo ran down the hall and slammed into a door. I quickly followed him and saw the matte black door. It seemed familiar but then again all the rooms in this house had the same type of door. I knocked the door, but seeing as no response came and the fact that Oreo was literally growling at the door, I decided to open it. Slowly I peaked inside, as I realized it was Xander's room.

Oreo walked past me whining as he sat down on the floor beside Xander's bed. I too, invited myself inside only to come face to face with a thrashing and mumbling Xander. He kept turning left and right in his state of sleep. Beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead as his whispers became louder.

"Stop! Please Stop!!"

He continued to scream and thrash around the bed till I finally couldn't see anymore. I gently held his waist in order to stop his movement. Bending down, I cupped his cheek as I whispered, "It's going to be okay. You are going to be okay. I am here for you."

As I whispered these words, he stopped squirming under my grip and went back to his sleep. Sighing, I started to get up, only for Xander to hold me down by gripping my hands.

"Don't leave me," he barely whispered but the voice was so scared that it broke my heart. It reminded me of someone, who I should have helped, who I was supposed to protect. Shaking my head, I try to get rid of my darkening thoughts as I look down at Xander. I wasn't there for that person, but I'll be there for Xander.

"I'll always be here, Xander," I said more to myself, as I sat down on the carpet. That was the last thing I remembered as I let myself fall asleep to the peaceful sound of Xander's breathe.

(Flashback ends...)

Now, this brings us to how I got myself in this situation, though I wonder what Xander dreamt about. Obviously, it was a nightmare and I knew better than anyone what power nightmares held over our unconscious selves. A shudder passes through me as my thoughts start to wander to the darkest corner of my mind.

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