[ Chapter 1 ]

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     [slight edits made]

     It's been four days since the Maknae from the Korean Boy Band of BTS has been locked away in the studio, he left Monday and now it being Thursday, saying the other members were worried was an understatement, they were hyperventilating thinking the worst of worsts that could've happened to the small rapper. Kidnapping, murder, a crazy fan getting ahold of him, they knew they had some obsessive fans and them being one of the biggest kpop bands did not help their minds to not worry about the small Rapper.

     Jin himself has been trying to get ahold of his youngest dongsaeng, no doubt the others where doing the same as well. After about the twentieth time of him calling his call got picked up, his loud noise of shock, relief, and some anger was what drove the others to look at him and keep quiet all while telling Jin to put the phone on speaker, he did so before giving them a look as saying 'be quiet and don't talk'. He kept quiet until a tired and small voice rang out through his phone, "Hello? Hyung what's going on?" Is what he heard from the Maknae.

     He sighed loudly making sure to keep calm before answering, "Yoongi-ah, do you know how long you've been in there?" He asked. It was quiet for a moment he could hear faint clicking sounds as he waited, the brat, still working while being called. "It's around ten? Why? Did I miss dinner, I'm sorry Hyung I'll eat something from the vending machine, but I'm almost done here another few hours and I should be done!" the voice said cheerfully after the questioning tone he had. He made sure to quickly snap at Hoseok and Jimin who almost shouted at Yoongi at his carelessness they all know that if he thought five or six hours past when he first went in he probably hadn't gotten a wink of sleep or food in him, the simple thought of that made his mother hen instincts kick in.

     "A few hours? Yoongi-ah it's been four days, it's time to come home, you can go back after you've had-" He was cut off by Yoongi.

     "No! Hyung I'm sorry I didn't notice how long it's been, but I promise I'll be back in a few hours, I'll even eat a full meal you'll make when I get back. Please hyung just a few more hours is all I need I'm so close to being done!" Yoongi whined on the other side of the phone. Jin sighed once more and stressed some more, this kid practically digging his own grave as then begging him to let the kid bury himself alive. He looked at the other members to see what they thought and he was met with furious faces and such fast head shaking that he thought they were going to snap their necks if they kept doing it.

     "No Yoongi, it's been too long you know the rules, you and everyone agreed to it, no longer than two days staying in the studio or practice room. Now come home before I have someone go and fetch you" he threatened making his voice hard no room for discussion any longer. He was not surprised at the loud whine he got in return and instantly knew what was going to happen, so did the others as he watched Namjoon signal for Jeongguk and Hoseok to go get the brat, the only two who would use pure force to get Yoongi out of his studio.

     "But hyung! Only a few more hours, I just need to fix a few more things then I'll head home I promise!" The loud whining came through the phone. Jin let out a sigh, though this one was out of relief before answering. "Sure Yoongi just be quick you better be home before midnight" he said and got an 'Okay, thank you Hyung' before Yoongi hung up. He looked over to the door to see the two leave and estimated it would be thirty minutes; ten walking there, ten to get Yoongi out of his studio, and ten to walk back with a struggling Yoongi.

     "Well now that that's done and I know he's coming back I'll go make him to dinner I guess, you guys should go to bed we have a long day tomorrow" he told the others before heading into the kitchen. Hearing Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon bid each other good nights before he heard thuds of footsteps going to their rooms. He opened the fridge while thinking out loud, "now what do get a zombie yoongi to eat".

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