[ Chapter 2 ]

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[slight edits made]

Yoongi woke up to the sun shining brightly into his face. He was not happy about being woken up by the sun and not his alarm, even if he hated that too. He sighed as he turned around only to find his head snuggling into a chest. His face burned up realizing it was no other than his Jin Hyung. He squirmed around trying to get out of Jin's hold until he heard a grunt and the grip trapping him against his Hyung tightened, he instantly froze not wanting to wake up his Hyung but he seemed to have failed. "Yoongiyah stop moving and go back to bed, it's our free day" he heard the gruff voice from sleep affect him, and instantly did what his hyung said nodding to his words and the grip relaxed.

He doesn't remember what happened last night to know how he ended up cuddling with his hyung even though it happens a lot with all the members and him magically ending up in one of their beds, he doesn't mind that much, he got more body heat that way and he was warm unlike the blanket which hasn't been doing its job lately. He didn't know when he closed his eyes, but he felt the sudden pull of sleep pull him back into the black void of unconsciousness and the last thing he remembered was curling into Jin trying to get more warmth for himself.


Jimin wasn't one to get angry easily but when he woke up to see that everyone else was up and didn't bother waking him up he slightly got angry, heck they could've been running late and then he wouldn't have time to fix himself or anything. Shrugging the thought off he walked out of his room before seeing all of the members besides two staring into Jin and Yoongi's room. He narrowed his eyes wondering what was so interesting and he pushed his way through before stopping at the sight, he got a little angry that no one told him of this but then he became soft the longer he stared at the sight. Jin was literally wrapped around Yoongi making him look smaller than he already is, not only that but the fact that the maknae was wearing one of Jin's pink shirts made him seem cuter than he already is. He chuckled and grabbed his phone out of his pocket before making sure the flash and sound was off before taking a few pictures the others watched him and then took pictures of their own, they then turned to each other and exchanged pictures, then they heard a squeak.

All heads turned to the bed seeing Jin sitting up, carefully as to not wake up Yoongi who scrunched up his face at the fact at being moved slightly, everyone froze again holding their breath, waking up yoongi was a nightmare even if they had too, who knew the adorable little boy could throw a plushie so hard that you'd get a bruise? They didn't, they all had nasty bruises at the beginning of their time as a band. That was also because they didn't know yoongi that well and the young boy wasn't comfortable with them yet now all they get is a really cold glare, some curse words thrown at them, and being ignored for a few hours. Sometimes they will get something thrown at them but it's usually a lazy throw, not making it near them at all.

Jin looked confused for a moment as for why they all had their phones out and pointed at him but he seemed to wake up completely and remember why when small movement came from his side. He blinked and looked down to see Yoongi clinging to him like a koala, and let out a smile. He moved slowly and gently out of the bed much to the displeasure of Yoongi who gave a small whine at the loss of body warmth.

Jin made his way over to the group, "Jimin go keep Yoongi asleep he needs it, so do you, the rest of you get out of the room and help me make breakfast" he ordered and all the other members groaned but Jimin who forgot about all his previous anger and jealousy happily skipped over to the bed easily tucking himself into the bed and snuggling closer to his little maknae and sighed sure he wasn't tired but thankfully he had his phone so he could be entertained easily.

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