[ chapter 5 ]

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       "Are we ready?" Namjoon's voice rang out through the dorm, all members were dressed up in casual and warm clothing, all were tired but had small smiled on their faces...all but one.

       Min Yoongi was out of little space yesterday after dinner. He didn't remember what happened but he supposed he didn't want to remember. All he knows is that he lost valuable work time so he stayed up all night pretending to sleep when the older checked on him, but in reality he only got around an hour and a half of sleep before he was woken up to get ready.

       He even put up a struggle, throwing lots of things at the intruder until he ran out of things to throw - excluding his pillow and blanket because he needed them - and was simply picked up, he let out a muffled screech into the person's chest which earned a laugh. He recognized the laugh it was Hoseok's. Hoseok made sure that he had brushed his teeth, did his morning face routine before dragging him off to his closet and got a giant white sweatshirt and some black skinny pants on him while Yoongi put black converse on himself.

       They met the rest by the door, but sleepy Yoongi still had a frown on his face while he stared at his elders. 'Idiots all of them, we don't need to leave two hours earlier than usual' Yoongi thought to himself as they shuffled out of the dorm and into the van. Since there was only six seats he was set on someone's lap. He looked up at the face and saw that it was Taehyung.

       Yoongi flopped backwards into his Hyung's chest and ignored his question of 'are you okay?' and instead closed his eyes promptly falling asleep listening to the thuds of Taehyung's slow and steady heartbeat.


       Taehyung was confused, Yoongi was a tired person but never this tired looking, dark circles were under his eyes, his skin was even more pale looking, he was way to light in Taehyung's opinion.

       "What time did Yoongi go to sleep again?" He asked quietly his fingers running through said person's hair to help him stay asleep, it always took a few minutes to get Yoongi in a deep sleep.

       "We went to bed around ten? Why do you think he stayed up?" Seokjin spoke up asking his worries. "Probably, you know how he gets after little space, always saying he needs to catch up on his work." Taehyung replied everyone's mood dampened at the reminder.

       "We should keep an eye on him, he might regress if he's this tired" Taehyung added when no one spoke. The others nodded, it would be a risk to have Yoongi go out this tired and easy to just regress but it was one they would take, not like they had a choice, the fanmeet was set up months ago and they couldn't cancel nor keep Yoongi in the dorm with one of them. They would just be extra careful.


        Yoongi woke up a second time by someone gently shaking him, jerking awake like always when in a moving vehicle after waking up to the feeling of moving. Eyes snapping open he calmed down realized they arrived at their destination and he wasn't falling off a cliff.

       Huffing a bit he squirmed out of Taehyung's arms, sluggishly moving out of the van and into the building, we winced he could hear the screams already and they were outside of the building. He loved his fans, but they could be a bit much for him.

       "This way Yoongi" Manager told him ushering him into the building, he nodded and went into the styling room. They always had to look like models with fanmeets, it wasn't like he hated their fans but why should they have to wear stuff on their face which always make his head feel heavier. He grumbled complaints as he made his way to the styling chair and sat down waiting for the noona's to come and do their job.

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