Chapter 1

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This closed universe is a wasteland to me... Mountains of wastes material I walk upon, and hiding and surviving from the other brutal human beings. "I despise this world, this experience of living, these beasts, and these cold hearted people."

The land I travel upon is a mess of split public press, hair merchandise, containers, torn cardboard, and many other objects. The sky still remains as the colors light-brown and shaddy gray. Smoky clouds making it harder to inhale and exhale these days.

"The sky's nearly pitch black..." I whisper to myself. Walking into the sheltered construction I've made, my door must be unsealed decelerated and cautiously. Or else thieves will comprehend and assault me. Then brutally tear out my bloody, red, heart just to see if it beams with theirs.

My name is Nikol (pronounced Nichole), we aren't supposed to distribute our real names or we will be punished to death. But we are aloud to use our middle names.

As I sealed the movable barrier, fastening the three locks behind me and lit the source of illumination.

I put my long dark, black hair up in a bun. Still tempted pulling my rare, white, strands of hair out.

I turn around seeing my messy bed along with my dirty dishes "Home sweet home" I say sarcastically. Taking my black hoodie off, tossing it to the side, I throw myself on my bed. Hearing the crumbling sounds of newspaper I crumpled up myself for cushion. Looking to my left, my acoustic guitar sitting there waiting to be played. I sit up straight, grabbing the guitar and setting it down on my lap. Playing a slow tune I taught myself.

Then out of nowhere, strange creeks and stomping coming from above the ceiling. "Goblins or witches ..." I whisper. I quickly yet quietly ran, tip toeing to blow out my candles so they wouldn't figure out I'm here. I stood close to the door, peeking through the hole I made to see if they were gone.

While peeking, a huge yellow eyeball is peaking right back at me. Backing away in shock yet trying to stay quiet. The goblin then shoved it's big, light, green, nose and sniffed to get a scent of my flesh for food. Luckily having the candle in my hand, slowly raising my hand toward its nose. It then got a whiff of the smoke from the candle. Backed away fast as possible, roaring at its herd to retreat.

Hearing the thumping and roaring getting quite. I peak once more, The goblins run down the mountain away from my shelter. "Finally they're gone, now I could get some sleep."

The Purified Heart vol.1 cruel worldWhere stories live. Discover now