Chapter 3

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    As soon as the elder woman finished her long speech. The projector shut off, collapsing and shattering as it fell, me and the others observed. The tins were sank back into the garbage.

     On the opposite side of the small hill of garbage from me, stood a person standing alone. "Well I don't give a damn about this love shit!!!"  A teenage boy yelled, raising his weapon up in the polluted air. "Ya!!! Who gives a fuck!!!" Said a young girl raising her left fist.

  The clumped groups of people, slowly agreed. I remained the only one silent. I agree with these guys, but I'm positively sure they don't have a plan at all. They already lost civilization. But my plan was already set. I'm going to rip a heart out of someone,  then pour my potion into it and I'll drink it as well. And then when they're both glowing bright, red. I'll make a run for it, I'm going to brutally kill the couple that is about to cross paths. And then cross myself with the heart in my bag.

     While lost in my train of thought thinking of my plan. Something tall covered the sun, casting a shadow on me. "Hey" he said walking up to me. I look up at him, a tall young man with slightly long, straight, messy, black hair, wearing a torn white shirt along with ripped, dirty, blue jeans. "Give me your clothes." I gave him a disgusted look.

     "Awe come on little lady." He said smiling."Don't be like that, am I gonna have to force you out of them...?" Then his smile dropped. "Because I will." His left hand reached towards me.

I got my weapon into position. "Don't touch me!" I yell. I noticed around us the people were attacking one another brutally, and stabbing each other into the chest rapidly while blood bursted out. I guess in the end, everyone was more desperate to survive then actually help each other out and love.

     Looking back the guy, he gave me a creepy smile. I raised my spear in the air and stabbed his manhood, making sure it came out through the other side of his body. "Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! You Bitch!!!" Collapsing, falling on his back, squirming. While scream, drops of water rolled down his eyes. Blood squirting out madly out of his body between his legs. Staining his clothes with red.

Right when I pulled the spear back out of the teenage boy. The other men eyed me, I kept calm as I can. One of the guys pointed his right index finger towards me "I want her." Glaring while smiling at me. Shit, what did I get myself into?

The Purified Heart vol.1 cruel worldWhere stories live. Discover now