Chapter 7

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"No way. This isn't possible, your toying with me, aren't you!?" I asked with low doubt.

"Of course not, look again if you don't believe me." he answered smiling.

I examined his heart once more, then back at mine. "Here." He said breaking the silence. He flexed down his back against the wall, caressed his hand the floor while tilting his head up at me. Desiring me to join him.

I did as he wished, placing myself next to him but keeping a small distance.

"My name is Caleb. What's yours?"

"Nikol..." I said with a low voice. I stared straight down with low confidence. Making no eye contact. I always had issues talking to pass byers.

"That's a pretty name. But I'm sure if I knew your whole name, it be a very beautiful name to remember."

"Huh?" I turned my head to him before I could see his face. No way, did he already fall for me? No, that's not possible, I'm too hideous to fall for.

I tilted forward a bit, trying to get a good perspective of his face. I can tell he tried to prevent a certain expression on his face. As he looked back towards me, he noticed I was still staring at him. He said with a small smile. "You know what? Your freaking adorable!"

My body stiffened and my eyes grew wide right when I heard that word, 'adorable.' Blood rushed through my cheeks. Leaving me speechless. "Thanks..." I answered shyly.

"Your very welcome."

"But wait, how did you find me? And why do you want to take me back to your friend?"

"Well he's not just my friend, he's more than that, he's like a brother. We met three years ago, I was fourteen and he was fifteen. I'm taking you back with me to him, because I'm not going to leave him. I'm going to take him with us and he'll be living up in the luxurious sky."

"How old are you now?"

"Sixteen, I'm going to be seventeen in a few weeks. And I found you because I searched for you. I looked day and night, I ran into some fights and I struggled a lot to stay alive. And then that morning when all the cans appeared in circles, and the lady on the screen reminded us of the rules and how much time we have left. Everyone went crazy, that's when I found you. Well actually you ran into me." He said rubbing the back of his head with a small smile.

"You were being attacked by those perverts. Then I saw your heart glow as I approached you, that was when I knew I had to protect you and save you. How old are you?"

"Fifteen... I just turned fifteen this year." Hoping he wouldn't leave me.

"Okay. We're just two years apart. After all, age is just a number."

"Uh huh." I replied with a faint grin, my cheeks grew rosy red while looking into his blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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