Chapter 4

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     My body shook a bit, but I tried to keep calm. Slowly taking a step back, the five of them took a step forward. If there were at least one girl here. Then I would be able to get away using her as bait. Luckily I hadn't locked my wooden door before I left. Reaching my left hand to the door behind me, while keeping eye contact with the guys.

   Turning around as fast as I could. Got into my shelter and locked the three locks behind me. "Hey!!!" Said the glaring man. On the other side, banging the door. "Get back out here and fight us off brave like you did with that guy."

     Backing away slowly, remaining calm. I then looked around to see if there were large objects in my room. All there was, was an old, wooden chair I found not too long ago. Gripping the chair, carrying it the door, putting it under the worn out handle. Making sure it was pushing the handle upwards and was being forced down while standing on the back of its two legs. I backed away slow, walking backwards looking at it at.

     "There..." I said, breathing hard. The door couldn't hold much longer though. Then I remembered something I had in this room. Something very important and that's why I built my camp here. I dashed to the desk grabbing my backpack and then gathered very important things I would need.

     My book of potions, a small metal knife, the necklace made of leather holding a diamond mom gave me, a and key made of bronze with an odd looking snowflake on it. Grandma told me to never lose or I wouldn't survive without it. After putting my things into my backpack, I dashed to the wall by my dirty bed.

     Staring at the wall in panic, ripping newspapers, magazines, and ripped wires off the wall as fast as I could. I still couldn't find the handles. "Damnit! I they're here somewhere." Then drop on me knees, bending down scattering the junk out of the way. Bang!!! Bang!!! I look back at the door, the old chair couldn't hold much longer. It was ready to snap.

     "Let us in you little coward!!!" One of the young men shouted. My heart was beating rapidly, my body shaking full of fear. I did want hide like a coward, I just wanted to cover my eyes and cry. But I can't stop now, after all that I gone through. "A-ha!" My eyes grew with hope, I found it! I found the secret escape! Just then, one of their spears stabbed the door. I don't have much time, I got to get out of here. I grab the heavy chains that happened to be beside me. I opened the doors, then jumped in quickly, closing the doors above my head. Grabbing the chain, wrapping it around the old, metal, golden, handles. About ready to lock it- "oh no you don't!"



One the other side, the boys broke through the door and tried pull the door open. No! I can't lose, I can do it! Sweating, shaking, and my heart's racing. I'm so close to locking it. "Aaarrgghh!!!!" My muscles tensed up, my arms gained strength. I attached the chains to the lock. The chains were now locked. And I escaped deep down where the tunnel has taken me.

Leaving and ignoring the men that to hurt or kill me.

The Purified Heart vol.1 cruel worldWhere stories live. Discover now