Chapter 1: The Day Before Open House

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A/N: Well this chapter is done by Gerard. And I just wanted to inform you that I'm not religious at all so I don't know a lot. And yeah. Essays for dedications people. I like kittens. I look up pics of kittens when I'm playinf Fatal Frame III: The Tormented. Anywho, on with the story.. -Gerard


*Gerard's Pov*

Well, people don't always understand that Ember and I aren't related, but we live together now. It started off as we began to want to go to school together cause we both didn't have any friends at all. It kind of sucked really, but our parents met, discussed our plan, and they hit it if they were best friends all along. Turns out, they became friends right after and I got to pack my bags and move in.

It was exciting actually. I got to sleep in her basement with a small area to myself like the hermit I am. First it was Summer and that took about forever to go by. But I hermited in the basement to keep my paleness and my Vampiric appearence. It was crazy actually. Some people often back home asked me if I was adopted because people are always tanner than I.

But when school was about to start, that was a difficulty.. it qas Bellville Michigan, and it wasn't too far away. But the sad thing was, was that it was a religious private school. I'm not religious, but don't get me wrong, I don't trash about it when people are. I'm rather friendly really.

"We're going to raise hell, Em." I told Ember on the Saturday night. We had Sunday, and then when Monday rolled in it would be our first school day.

"Of course, you always do." Ember replied. I smirked at her and adjusted my scarlet tie. The school had bloody uniforms. I hadn't ever gone to a school with uniforms so it was weird feeling. But thwre were a large variety of colours of uniforms and ties you could wear. Both Ember and I chose black button up shirts and scarlet ties and black dress pants. "You look like Gerard Way." She kept telling me. I laughed at her, still of course, fidgeting with my tie. I learned how to tie a tie once..

That was in 7th Grade Life Skills class. The teacher was literally crazy, a ton of us thouggt he was bipolar cause he would get super mad and throw things around while yelling at a kid. Then take a deep breath and calm down. Just like a snap of the finger. Lucky for me..I would stay on his good side. He loved all the kids related to me so I was happy that I was one of them.

After I tried it on I looked at myself in Ember's full height mirror and stared at my outfit. It suited me. "Okay, try yours on." I told her as I went out of the room to go on my way to the kitchen.

"Alrighty." She said as I closed her bedroom door. I went down to the kitchen and got myself a glass of coffee. Her Mom was in there making dinner. She looked at me.

"You do know they're going to make you cut your hair, Gerard." She told me. I sighed and leaned on the counter running my fingers through my shoulder length hair.

"I'm sure they'll see how awesome I am and let me keep it long." I said smiling. She rolled her eyes.

"Well the uniform looks nice, I only wished you and Ember would have chosen a colour instead of black." Her mom told me.

"This red.." I began pointing at my tie, "is a colour, Ma'am. Therefore we're sporting a colour." I pointed out. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Alright, Gee. Go tell Ember that dinner is almost ready." She said. I nodded sipped my coffee and scampered back to Em's room. I knocked on the door, I'm not an asshole who barges in, especially when she could be dressing. She told me it was okay and I walked in.

When I walked in, she was in her uniform. She was staring at the mirror with a twisted smirk.

"What are you thinkin' about?" I asked as I sat down on her bed with my legs tucked beneath me. She turned and smiled.

"You're right. We ARE going to raise hell." Ember said with a slight giggle. I laughed.

"We are, are we?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Indeedly we are. Tomorrow is open house, we need a plan for school domination." Ember said grinning. Oh shit, she was right. Tomorrow is Open House. I totally forgot. But then again, her ideas always spark a fancy in me. They'll be good ones.

"Alright. We can plan them tonight." I said nodding my head. "But not yet, cause dinner is ready." I added. She nodded and we both walked out of her room and to the kitchen. Her mom was making plates for all of us in the dining room.

As we sat down her parents sat down and did the little cross thing over the head whispering "father, son, and the holy spirit. Amen." I had to look down and press my palms together as they said grace, I mean, I didn't even know any grace prayers. And my family is ain't that bad? Anyway, after that was done we could finally eat.

When we were done eatinf Ember and I both scampered up to her room and locked the door. We turned on the lights and I suggested to make a fort cause we're cool. That's what we did, after the fort was built as perfectly as I drew a design we sat underneath it with a bowl of Pixie Stix and Fun Dip. "Alright, now for these plans of yours." I said as she dumped a packet of Pixie Stix powder into her mouth.

"Okay. Lets write this shit down." Ember said laughing with aa somewhat contorted face as the powder was sour. I pulled out my notebook from behind me, flipped to a blank page and pulled out a special pen of mine.

I labeled the headnote as 'Ember And Gerard In: Private School. Our Plans and Ideas.'

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