Chapter 8: Blood, Blood, gallons of the stuff...

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I didn't enjoy writing this chapter... I'm a pacifist in real life... The only time I'll fight is when someone I care about is in danger.

IMPORTANT: "Mandy" Is "Amanda Bieber" AKA MandaSwaggie on twitter. Go tweet this story to her so we can be sure she reads it, will ya? The song on the side is the Song of the chapter. Platypus by Green Day.


I sat, bored, in math class, doodling. I suck at drawing, but anything was better than listening to the math teacher drone on and on and on. I vaguely wondered what Gerard was up to.

Knowing him, Karatechopping some bitches.

Mentally, of course.

I sighed, and stared at the clock.

The little bastard was mocking me... ticking so slowly.  I would have listened to music, but my iPod had been taken earlier that week and I was in no mood to have it taken from me again.

My fingers drummed on my desk. The people next to me were shooting me scared glances, like I was going to attack them at any moment.

Except for one. She was glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to doodling.

Until the bitch leaned over and tapped my shoulder. I turned around and glared at her.

"What do you want?" I snapped. The girl looked unfazed. 

"I want you to stop being a faggot."

"That's nice," I replied. I looked back at the doodle. She tapped me again.

"What the fucking fuck do you want now!?"

 "I just wanted to warn you, but I guess you don't care," she said with an evil grin. I shrugged and thought nothing of it. Why should I care? 

I suppose I regretted not listening to her later...

I walked down the hall, wondering where the hell Gerard was. He usually met me at my locker to slam it shut before I was done using it. I figured he was being yelled at by some teacher about his hair.

I was humming quietly to myself when I heard the chanting.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" and then something snap. My eyes widened. I started running to the sound, and saw what I feared was going on. Gerard and Curtis, the boy that had been abusing him, were surrounded by people. Gee was holding his nose and he was covered in bruises and blood. The girl from my math class was clawing him. I let out a strangled sound of rage and jumped into the fight.

"Ember! Get the hell out of here! I have it under control!" Gerard yelled. I didn't listen to him. I attacked the girl. She tried to scratch me, but I don't fight like a girl. I started to punch her and heard a satisfying crack as her nose broke. 

"Stay the fuck away from me and my friend, go it. What's your name?" I hissed.

"M-Mandy," she stuttered. 

"Well, Mandy, if I ever see you or that piece of shit over there near us again, I will not hesitate to break your arm, leg, or neck. Got it?" I growled. I pushed her to Curtis, who caught her.

"You bitch! You'll regret hurting my girlfriend," Curtis yelled.

"Bite me. C'mon, Gee. Lets go get you cleaned up."

I helped Gerard up and we went into the girls bathroom. I knew he was hurt pretty bad because he didn't make a perverted comment. In fact, he didn't say anything.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was walking to your locker when Curtis jumped me. Mandy was standing nearby, and she stepped on me. I tired to get away, but Curtis started kicking me. Then people started to gather around and chant. I tried to scream for help, but I couldn't. Then you came. You shouldn't have jumped into the fight. You could have gotten hurt too!"

"But I didn't, and if you think I'm going to stand around and let you get beat up, hell to the fucking no!"

"You know, we should probably go to the office. I kinda wanna go hime," he whined.

"I'll come with you. We need to plan our revenge..."


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