Chapter 5: A Softer Side of Shadow.

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Silver sat in her room looking out the window of the castle that had become her prison. She began to think about the vampire lord she has agreed to marry the previous night.
"Your worried aren't you?" A familiar voice sounded from the door. Silver spun round to see the purple dragon girl to whom she has spoke to the other day.
"Hi Caitlin... Is it that obvious" Silver asked and Caitlin replied with a nod.
"Shadow role everyone of your request, personally I think we should have done it years ago, I don't agree with murder... After all we were all human once" Caitlin said as she sat in the bed next to Silver.
"Did they take it well?" Silver asked hoping the answer would be yes.
"Some did and some didn't, but they will have to accept it sooner or later... Shadow isn't all bad you know" Caitlin said to the sad hedgehog sitting on the bed.
"I somewhat don't believe you" Silver said, Caitlin sighed.
"I know he shouts and seems like a bad guy but it's only because he can't show weakness, if he does someone may challenge him and he could lose his position as king" Caitlin said.
"Thank you for shearing that Caitlin" A deep voice sounded from the bedroom door, the girls looked over to see no other then Shadow himself.
"Hey Shadow, Silver was just a little worried about the wedding" Caitlin said as she got up to leave, Shadow nodded towards her and she left and closed the door behind her.
"I'm sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable the past few days, I'd just like to have you changed as soon a possible so your not in as much danger" Shadow told the white hedgehog sat down in front of him.
"It's okay... Will it hurt?" Silver asked in a worried tone.
"Only for a short while but then you will feel better then you have in a long time, you'll be stronger, faster and harder to hurt" Shadow answered and smiled at his future wife.
"Will you be a bit nicer to me?" Silver asked. Shadow looked surprised.
"I will when we are alone but as Caitlin explained, I need to look tough in front of the others, because if I am other thrown they will kill you and any children we may or may not have" Shadow replied.
"Who would try and other throw you" Silver asked in both and concerned and questioning tone.
"A few people, my brother Mephiles, Sonic, Knuckles... any of the males really" Shadow replied. Silver looked away but nodded in agreement.

Later that day Silver walked into the castles sowing room, there he saw Amy, Blaze and Caitlin waiting for her.
"Are you three making my dress?" Silver asked still feeling a little uncomfortable about the whole idea of getting married.
"Amy is and Blaze is going to help her, I'm hear to make sure your okay" Caitlin said in a friendly tone.
"So will the ceremony be a traditional one? Or is it different because your vampires" Silver asked.
"The only difference is that fact you'll be changed into a vampire, the rest is traditional" Blaze replied as she pulled out a ball gown styles dress.
"So I can have bridesmaids?" Silver asked as Amy and Blaze helped he into the white jewelled ball gown.
"If you want to Yes" Blaze answered and she and Amy began making the fitting adjustments on the dress.
"I think I'd like Caitlin and you Blaze to be my bridesmaids" Silver said with a smile on her face.
"Really?" Caitlin said in slight disbelief.
"Yeah, you two and kinda my only friend here and Amy is my grandmother so I'd like her to give me away" Silver answered.
"We'd love to" Amy said in reply with a huge smile on her face.

Later on in Shadow's private office he set up a Skype call with his brother.
"Hello little brother, how are things going with the mortal?" Mephiles asked in a teasing tone.
"She's agreed to the wedding on one condition, that we use donated human blood rather then hunting live humans" Shadow replied, Mephiles face turned to a frown.
"I see... and how do you suppose we do that?" Mephiles asked in a harsh tone.
"Blood drives run by our hunters, they will just have to dress and act like mortal nurses" Shadow replied.
"I will have to speak with my advisors, however other business, I would like to meet your bride to be before the wedding, I wish to call by tomorrow and meet her" Mephiles said in a harsher and more demanding tone.
"Of course that will be fine" Shodow replied.
"And one other thing, I would like you to impregnate her on the night of your wedding, just so we are waiting as less time as possible for the wedding" Mephiles demanded.
"Yes brother..." Shadow replied.
"See you tomorrow" Mephiles said as he hung up the call.

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