Chapter 6: Brother to be

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Silver walks around the castle thinking about what her life was going to be like after she married the vampire king, she had never really believed this could actually happen, she was scared and worried. She was only glad for the small amount of friends she had made, Amy her long lost grandmother, Blaze her quite but competing feline friend and Caitlin, the dragon.
"You seem to be wondering lately" a deep voice sounded from behind Silver, that voice could only belong to the vampire king himself. Silver turned to face him, she was still terrified of him and didn't really know what to say.
"I just... I'm worried... and I miss my mother" Sikber said almost on the verge of tears, Shadow looked at her and did feel a little sorry for her but didn't show it.
"It will all be okay, my brother wants to meet you, his name is Mephilis the leader of a near by clan of vampires" Shadow said, Sikber nodded and Shadow walked of to prepare for his brother arrival.

A few hours later Mephilis arrived with his wife and son, the were both beautiful Mephilis looking a lot like Shadow, his wife was a light grey hedgehog with long flowing hair and their son was a completely black hedgehog with a silver streak in this fur.
"How is my younger brother these days" Mephilis asked with a cheeky smile showing off his fangs.
"I'm fine... this is Silver the girl I was telling you about" Shadow said as Silver stands next to Blaze and Amy, Mephilis looked at her and smiles.
"You have picked a fine on brother, now let us enjoy a feast fit for kings. I have brought some mortals for use to feed on." Mephilies said and all the vampires looked hungry at the mortals that had been brought in.
"Shadow you promised me" Silver said, Shadow looked at her and then looked away, Silver oils have almost cried at this point. Soon the vampires began feeding and Silver watched in horror even Amy and Blaze joined the killing, Caitlin flew over to Silver and wrapped her in her wings so she didn't have to watch the murder. Silver cry into Caitlin's wings while the vampires feed.
"Your a backstabbing coward" Caitlin said to Shadow, he looked quite angry at this comment but before he could say anything Caitlin took Silver out of the room.

Hours later Shadow had called Caitlin into his room to discuss her earlier comment, she knew what was coming.
"How dare you speak to me like that, after everything I've done for you" Shadow yelled, Caitlin's looks terrified.
"You made one promise to that girl and you broke it... Whatni said was true and I see just how much of a monster you are. Your tore a girl away from her family and your forcing her to marry you. And don't think I'm oblivious to your plan to marry off your unborn daughter" Caitlin yelled back in retaliation. Shadow looked shocked as no one had ever spoke to him with such disrespect.
"How do you know about that?" He asks angrily walking towards Caitlin with a killing look in his eye.
"Mephilies need to learn his thought aren't safe in this castle". Airline said, and Shadow slapped her across the face and threw her across the room.
"I should excuse you right her right now... but that would be merciful wouldn't it" Shadow said, Caitlin looked at him almost crying.
"Get out of my sight" Shadow said as she left the room now covered in blood.

It was not the night before the wedding, Silver was sitting in her room, she hadn't seen Caitlin since the ordeal with the mass killing, Amy and Blaze were out getting ready for the wedding along with all of the other vampires. Silver looked out the window and thought about the wedding. Suddenly she heard the door open and in walked Shadow.
"Get to be its only a few hours till the wedding" Shadow said to his future bride who still seemed scared of him.
"Why are you so boss and mean to me?" Silver asked, Shadow looked at her inconfusion and sighed shutting the door.
"I can't be seen as weak, I do love you I just can't show it often... it will be different when your changed I promise" Shadow said. Silver moved closer to him and cuddled into his shoulder.
"You have no idea how much I want you right now" Shadow said which made Silver blush a bright red.
"Really?" She asked a bit surprise and Shadow nodded and kissed her forehead before leaving the room and smiling at her before he left. Silver lay in bed for the first time happy since she had come to the castle, maybe marrying Shadow wouldn't be so bad after all.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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