if home is where the heart is then we're all just fucked

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Brendon didn't inform Patrick of any more of his blanks for at least a week after Pete went mental on him. It was only when they reached LA, and Pete was at a radio interview that Brendon had another opportunity.

Patrick was sitting down his end of the bus, sitting on his computer and fiddling around with his mixing software. On the road, it was something he found to be a really good use of time. While all the others were playing video games or watching TV or anything like that, Patrick was working. He'd went and gotten a new pair of headphones, and sat in his spot to mix during pretty much any free time they had.

He'd made some pretty cool demos, and at one point had sat down and played them to Andy and Joe, who had really loved them as well. He found it very gratifying work, considering that on this tour he really wasn't all that necessary. It gave him purpose, and a reason to be on the road.

Brendon waltzed over and went into the fridge, glancing around before looking up and yanking Patrick's headphones off. "Did you not go and replace my iced coffee like you promised?"

"Sorry?" Patrick responded nervously, that creeping feeling returning.

"You asked if you could have my iced coffee this morning and I said yes, just as long as you went and got me another one after. Did you forget to go and get it?"

"I didn't have an iced coffee this morning..." Patrick stammered, confused.

"Yes you did." Brendon told him firmly. "And it was mine. And you promised you'd go and get me another one. I want mine now, so go get one, Pat."

"D-Don't call me that." Patrick frowned, quickly pushing save on his computer and shutting the lid. "I-I'll call Pete and see what he says!"

"Awww, little baby Patrick needs to call Petey and ask if he remembers what baby Pattycakes forgot." Brendon mocked. "Just go and get me a drink."

"I d-didn't drink your drink... Pete brought me one c-coffee this morning from the café and, a-and I know I didn't have another b-because the doctor said t-too much caffeine is bad for my m-memory, a-and..."

"Well, maybe that's why you don't remember drinking mine then." Brendon told him.

Dammit, that was some proper logic. He sat silently for a moment, considering his options. Pete was on the radio right now and wouldn't exactly be there to take his call, and Joe and Andy weren't around this morning either. So it was his faulty memory against Brendon's faulty word, and he didn't know which was the better route to take.

Let himself possible be pushed over yet again, or possible be an awful person who refused to replace someone else's drink after promising that he would.

With a sigh he placed his computer on the chair beside him, and grabbed his crutches to get up. The risk of losing a couple of dollars was a better risk than being a terrible person, and he had planned to go out and get some chocolate milk anyway. Brendon gave him a cold smile as he grabbed his wallet and told him which brand of iced coffee he wanted. "And if you could grab me a chocolate bar on the way that would be great, Pat."

"Don't call me that." Patrick muttered. "I don't have enough change to get you a chocolate bar."

"Then just use your card." Brendon shrugged.

"I'm not using my card if I have enough change to get your drink." Patrick huffed. "I'll be back soon."

"Not so fast, Pat." Brendon reached over and grabbed a bear from Patrick's bunk. "You bring a chocolate bar or you might not see him again."

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