Chapter 2: My name is Archer

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I woke up and looked at my clock on my side table, it said 8:40 am "oh my god I'm going to be late!" I yelled as I jumped out of bed then I got dress and ran down the stairs but I tripped and fell the rest of the way "ow" I rubbed my head then got up, made my lunch and booked it down the road to school. When I got to school I looked at my watch, 8:55. Well late again, I entered the class and all eyes were on me, but I didn't care and just took my seat, then the lesson went on. At lunch I was sitting on the grass when Kayla came over and said "what happened Lily, why are you covered in cuts?" "oh, I fell down the stairs then tripped five times on my way here" her eyes were wide "how do you fall so much!?" "I don't know." She sat down next to me and we continued to talk when she said "did you see the new kid? he just started today" "another one?" what is with all the new kids this year? school is half way over. Kayla then pointed and said "that's him" I looked over and saw a boy in a plan white dress shirt and white pants, he also had blond hair and his eyes are a bright sky blue. Something seems off about him, but a different off than when I'm around Derek, man this is weird, two new students in two days and they both have eyes that look like they are glowing, just different colors. The bell rang and we went to our next class. After school I walked home alone because Kayla had to do a test she missed, on the way I stopped at the park, sat under a tree and pulled out my journal.
Dear Mom and Dad
    We got another new student today and just like Derek his eyes look like they glow. I don't know his name yet but he seems off but a different off than Derek. Derek seems like he lives in the dark, but this other guy seems like he lives in the light and the light follows him, but they both don't seem to be human. I don't know what to think, I wish you were here to help me, I really need you guys right now. Well I got to go until next time
                                       Love your
                                            Daughter Lily
I put my journal away, got up and started home. As I was walking, I started to run but me being me I ran into someone and landed on top of them "ow" " head" I looked down to see the new kid, I quickly got up and said "sorry" I put my hand out, he took it and I helped him up then he spoke "it's alright, but your not hurt, are you?" "no, I'm fine, are you ok?" "oh, I'm fine" I nodded. We stood there for a minute then he spoke "my name is Archer, Archer Vanderwood, what's yours?" "Lily, Lily Storm" we shook hands then he looked at his watch and said "I have to go but I'll see you around" I nodded then he took my hand and placed a kiss on it, he smiled at me and then ran off. I was left with a small blush on my face as I walked home. Once I got home I went up to my room right away, curled up and went to sleep hoping tomorrow will be less eventful.

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