Chapter 7: I'm sorry

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It's been a week since I talked to Derek, Archer, Grayson and Raven, I don't know what to say to them. I never told anyone what they are, because even though I won't talk to them I still don't want to be the reason they get hurt or the reason they die. Right now I'm sitting in my living room because school just got out yesterday and my falling has gotten worse, I use to fall ten times a day but now I fall 20-30 times a day. Just then I heard a knock on my door, I said "come in" the door opened then closed and Kayla came into the living room, she looked around then spoke "are you ok Lily?" "yeah, I'm fine" she crossed her arms then replied "non, your not. I'm your best friend I know when your upset." I sighed, I should have known that Kayla would see right through me. I looked at her and said "fine, I'm not ok" "you can talk to me, you know I'm here for you" Kayla walked over and sat next to me waiting for me to tell her what happened. I sighed then spoke "I've been falling a lot more lately and..." "and what?" "I haven't been talking with the guys" "why not?" "they... they kept a secret from me and I didn't know how to react, so I haven't talked to them in a week" Kayla looked a little nervous and a little sad but soon got over it and said "I think you should talk to them, you should work out the problem and tell them how you feel" "maybe your right, but I need some time to think" "ok, but if you need someone to talk to, then you know where I live" "thanks Kayla" "no problem" with that said she got up and walked to the door but before she left she turned to me and said "remember, I'm always here for you" then she left. After she was gone I got up and went to the kitchen to get some lunch, I got a box of cereal then went to the fridge to get the milk, I opened the fridge, got the milk and went to poor it into my cereal, when I tripped and the milk went all over the table and in my cereal "well, at least some got in my bowl" I said to myself as I cleaned up the spilled milk. After I was done cleaning and eating I decided to go for a walk, so I went outside and was on my way to the park. Once I got there I sat on a bench to think about what to say to the boys. As I was sitting there I heard a sad voice say "hi Lily" I looked to see Archer standing beside the bench, I looked away then Softly said "hi" the minutes that passed by were awkward and I didn't know what to say but then I heard another voice say "hey Lily, how are you?" I looked over to see Grayson, I didn't want to be rude so I replied "um... fine" he just looked at me and our eyes met but I looked away then I heard someone say "hey" the three of us looked to see Derek and Raven coming over to us, when they saw me they looked sad, but they gave a small smile anyway. We all sat there not saying a word until Raven spoke up "Lily, I'm really sorry. Hurting you was the last thing I wanted.  Take this as my way of saying sorry" he took a vile out of his pocket and put it out for me to take, I took the vile to get a closer look, it was red thick liquid, that's when I realized what it was, I looked at Raven then said "is this" he nodded "yeah, it's my blood." I'm surprised he would do something like this for me, even after I didn't talk to them for a week, then Grayson said "I hope you can forgive me, here this is for you" he also passed me a vile but this one had little gray hairs in it, it's his fur. Derek took my hand and placed something in it, I opened my hand to a black feather and a little note that said 'I'm sorry' then Archer said "Raven told us about what the doctor told you, so we wanted to help, please forgive us and take my feather" he held out a white feather and I took it. I looked around at the four boys with a smile on my face and said "thank you all, you have no idea how much this means to me" they all smiled and Grayson said "does this mean we are forgiven?" I nodded "yes, it does" they smiled and Grayson cheered, I laughed as I watched Grayson then Raven spoke "we should go to the doctor's to make that drink" I nodded and stood up so we could go but I tripped, instead of landing on my face Raven caught me then said "the sooner we get there the better" I nodded as I blushed from embarrassment, Raven helped me stand then we were off to see the doctor. Once we got to the doctor's office we walked in and went to the room to see the doctor. When we entered the room the doctor said "Mrs Storm, what can I do for you today?" I walked over to him and sat in front of him then took out the things I needed for the drink and replied "I came for you to make the drink" I handed him the ingredients and he said "how did you get these?" "oh, I um... asked a hunter to get them for me, he was a friend of my parents so he helped me" he nodded then said "I'll start right now, I'll be back soon" "ok, thank you doctor" then he walked out to go make the drink. The boys walked over and Archer said "that was a great cover Lily"the others nodded and I replied "thanks." We sat there talking as we waited for the doctor to come back with the drink. After ten more minutes the doctor entered the room with a glass in his hand and passed it to me, I took it and the doctor said "make sure to drink it all" I nodded then brought the glass to my lips as I took a drink, downing it all in one flip. When I was done I felt different like I could do anything then the doctor said "you shouldn't have anymore problems with falling now" "thank you so much doctor" I said as I got up and walked out the door with the four boys right behind me. As we were walking I didn't fall once, I can't believe this, I'm not falling this is the best day of my life. We continued to walk until we reached my house, I unlocked the door then turned to the guys and said "you guys want to come in?" "sure" they all answered. I let them in and they all stood there expect Raven who took a seat in his normal spot, the Archer said "Raven you just don't go into someone's house and make yourself comfortable" Raven looked at him and said "why not?, I do all the time and Lily don't seem to have a problem with it" the other three boys looked surprised then they said "you've been here before?" Raven nodded and they all looked at me, I rubbed the back of my neck then said "yeah, I had Raven over once or twice before" the three of them looked a little sad but soon got over it as they all went to take a seat while I went to the kitchen to get us some snacks and drinks. Once I got back to the living room I put the tray on the table for us then I sat down. As was ate our snacks we talked about how school went but then I asked "why did you guys go to school?" They looked at me then Grayson said "I wanted to make some friends that weren't my own kind" Derek said "my dad made me" Archer said "I wanted to see how humans lived" and Raven said "I wanted to make up for a mistake I made a long time ago" I nodded but what does Raven mean a mistake he made? I don't want to make him uncomfortable so I won't ask. As we continued to talk Archer saw a picture of me and my parents on the side table then he asked "is this your parents?" I looked at the picture then said "yeah" then Grayson said "where are they?, can we met them?" I looked down then said "they're dead" there eyes widened and Grayson said "I'm sorry Lily" I said "it's ok, you didn't know" Raven then said "if you don't mind me asking, how did they die?" I sighed as I thought what to say but then I said "they were killed" they looked at me with sad expressions The Archer asked "by who and why?" I replied "my mom was killed by a vampire and my dad by a demon" Derek and Raven spit out their drinks and looked at me with shock all over their faces then Raven said "why?" I replied "they were the best hunters that ever lived" their eyes widened, I could tell that they were shocked and I don't blame them, then Archer said "are you a hunter?" I shook my head "why not?" asked Grayson, I replied "I wanted to be, but when I found out what you guys are I changed my mind because I don't want to hurt my friends" they all smiled at me then Raven said "your a good person Lily and a good friend" I smiled as we continued to talk and eat. After we were done it was pretty late so they were getting ready to leave, I walked them to the door and said "good night guys" they smiled then replied "good night Lily" and they walked away. Once they were gone I locked the door then went up to my room, I got out my blue and red cat pajamas, put them on then sat on my bed. I opened my bag, took out my hand wrote.
Dear Mom and Dad
      I'm sorry but I don't want to be a hunter anymy, I don't want to hurt my friends, they're nice to me and I just can't bring myself to hurt them or their families like the way that vampire and demon hurt me. I hope one day you can forgive me, but this is my life and I decide how to live it even if something goes wrong. I love you, until next time
                                         Love your
                                             Daughter Lily
I put my journal away and turned out the lights then I layed down to go to sleep, but a little blue light started to glow on my side table. Once it went out I turned on the lights and looked on my nightstand to see a note, it said
'we're proud of you Lily
                                   Love Mom and Dad
I was shocked to say the least, but a smile soon worked it's was on my face as I turned back out the lights and layed down holding the note close as I drifted off to sleep.

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