Chapter two

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*School bell rings*

Lily's pov:

"It's the last day of school!!!!!!" I chirp to Sophie. "I know!! There so much stuff we're gonna do this summer, I have a whole list planned" she says nudging my arm. "We're gonna go to your house and watch movies tonight with junk food and gossip like we always do!" Sophie says with excitement even though we do that all that time. It's like a tradition for us.

Should I tell her about Jackson? Maybe I should tell her. Of course I should she's my best friend and he's hot!!! Yep I should tell her. But not now.

I debate the right time to tell her as she's talking.

"Don't you think so too?" She asks me. "What? I mean yeah totally." I lied. "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you. "Not a clue." We both laugh and kept walking.

Soph and me get to my house and go inside to raid the kitchen. My parents are rarely ever here. They leave money on counter for me to buy groceries and buy what I want. It's sad that they don't care about they're only child. I shrug off that thought and grab Doritos, Hot Cheetos, swedish fish and sour patches with juice boxes. Me and soph love juice boxes, we could drink 'em all day everyday!

After I get our essentials for movie night, I go to my room where Sophie is sitting on my bed scrolling through Tumblr. As I walk closer to the bed she quickly turns off her phone and nervously smiles at me. "Why'd you do that?" I ask tilting my head to the side. "Do what?" Sof said as if she didn't know what I was talking about. I gave her the 'really' look and stare at her for a second then drop the topic.

Sophie's pov:

I was sitting on Lily's bed waiting for her to get the snacks but she was taking foreveerr. I grabbed my phone and got on Tumblr and started scrolling to pass the time. As I was scrolling I saw a pacifier with the little mermaid on it and little designs, I mentally squeal at how cute it is and how much I want it. You may be wondering why I'm squealing at that, the thing is that I'm into a thing called ddlg. I'm still new to it and still learning. I started looking into it about a month or so ago and I've been wanting to tell Lily but I just can't find the right time to tell her. What if she thinks it's weird and doesn't want to be my best friend anymore! All these doubts worry me but then I saw her coming and I panicked and turned my phone off and hid it quickly.

Lily's pov:

I hop on the bed, making it bounce a little. Me and soph start giggling and turn on my laptop. I lay out all the snacks and wave my arm to show the variety I've gotten. "Okay so we got chips, candy and of course juice boxeesssss!!" I squeal the last part and Sophie giggles clapping "yaayyyy" she cheers. I set up Netflix and see Sophie drinking a juice box "heeyyyy wait till the movie staarrttsss!!!" She giggled and put it down and says "I wish we could watch it bigger then a computer screen" I look at her and laugh "you know that you can connect my laptop to the TV with a special cable right?" (don't remember what it's called) she looks at me confuzzled "what!?! When was this invented?? Where was I!? WhAt!" I laugh and show her what I mean. "You just put his thingy in the slot on the side of my laptop, than but the other thingy into the TV and vuala!" I say and look back to her and see her awestruck. I laugh and sit back on the bed. "Now is it better?" I asked "you bet your sweet sexy ass it is" she says and pushes me playfully.

We both fall asleep watching Cinderella.

I wake up in the middle of the night and look to my side and see Sophie still asleep. I get up and walk to the kitchen because man am I thirsty. I grab a cup of water and drink it at the sink. Once I'm finished I go back to my room. I climb into bed and cover myself. As I'm getting back to sleep Sophie starts talking in her sleep. She always does this when she sleeps over, she says the most funniest stuff. I listen closely to what she says "no daddy, I'm a good girl I promise." Sophie mutters. I lay back shocked at what I just heard from my best friend's mouth.

I stare at the ceiling trying to sleep after what I just witnessed. Finally sleep takes over.

In the morning I wake up before Sophie does. Not long after she starts to wake up and looks at me. "Morning Lilypad" I hate it when calls me that. "You know I don't like that nickname" I look at her and smile. "But you looovvveee meeee" she says stretching. I'm tempted to ask her about last night. Should I? I don't wanna embarrass her...
But I need to know!! After fighting myself for a few minutes I finally got the nerve and ask.

"Hey soph..?" I say lowly "yeah lils?" She replies back. "So um..last night I woke up and went to get a glass of water and when I came back you were...talking in your sleep..." I say looking at the oh so interesting sheets this morning. "What did I say this time" she says laughing a little. "You um said...'no daddy, I'm a good girl I promise'" I waited for a reaction.


Annnddd I'm gonna end of here!

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Peace my pretties❤️

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