Chapter nine

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*Recap from chapter 7*

"This was a great idea soph." I say looking to her as we sit down. She smiles. "Oh I know." She says cocky.

I roll my eyes and look at the screen. The movie is starting.

But there just one thing I don't like. I can't stop thinking of Jackson.

Lily's pov:

I look at the ceiling of my room lost in thought. I turn my head hoping to see Sophie but all I see is an empty right side.

After our double movie last night, Sophies' mother called her and asked her to come home. Her mother said she never spends time at home with her and her brother.

I miss her. Even though we spent all day and every day with her. She's my rock and means the world to me.

I get up from bed and look at the time. It's almost 3am.

I sigh and walk to my closet.

"Now let's see. Where did I put that bag." I say rubbing my chin.

After I rummage through my closet for a good minute, I look towards the back and see the bag. I walk to the back of my closest and pick up a bag I got for Sophie for her birthday.

I walk out of my closest, turning the light off and sit on my bed.

I take out what's in the bag and lay it out on my bed.

"Wow. That worker totally knew Sophie would love this." I say as I look at the t-shirts, leggings, tutus, thigh high socks, and...pacifiers..? I tilt my head. "What the heck is this?" I look at the hot pink pacifier. "Maybe the worker put it in on accident?" I put it to the side and look at the other things. I see a little mermaid sippy cup and a bottle.

"What the hell is all of this??" I say to myself confused as ever.

"Sophie isn't a baby." I mutter to myself. "Maybe..maybe she'll like it..? She's always been a kid at heart." I say to myself. "But she isn't a two year old!"

I sigh. I can't return it because I'm going I have busy all week. Friday is her birthday but she wants to celebrate it on Saturday.

I shake my head and get up to get tissue paper. "I'm just going to wrap the clothes and stuff. Not the pacifiers, sippi cup, and bottle." I say as I start to fold all the clothes and put it into a big box.

As I'm putting the clothes in, I hear someone coming upstairs. It's my mother. I know it's my mom by the sound of the footsteps.

I panic and throw everything in side the box and put it under my bed quickly. I jump in bed and hide under my blanket pretending to be asleep.

My door opens slightly and closes back. I let out the breathe I've been holding and take the blanket of my head.

"That's was close." I mummer.

I get up and get the box from under my bed and open it again.

I organize everything including the bottle, pacifiers and sippi cup.

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