Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

Aiko look at the orange haired boy confused. What did he meant by that? Have she met that boy before? She didn't want to trust him... but she needed to... or else who knows... and besides, she doesn't even know him... but then again... she can use him...

"Fine," Aiko answered as she looks away. "I'll tell you this... Mission #1: If you manage to make Sugawara fall for me in three weeks before I confess... I won't kill you....''

He smiled and shook her hand, "Hai,"

               She felt her face getting warmer as she starts walking away, "What's your name?"

               "Hinata Shoyo!" He Smiles again.

When he smiled at her, she felt her heart flutter. The only other person who made her feel that was Sugawara. And it begins. The story of a Wolf who meets a Crow. That changes her life...

One week later...
Week 2, Tuesday
Aiko's POV

It has been a week since Hinata and I started working together. And during that whole week, we've been trying to give signals to Sugawara that I like him. Yachi apologised to me for placing the envelope in the wrong locker. I couldn't refuse the apology... cause she was apologising while kneeling before me.

I started to get close to the Volleyball club because of it. I might also say that I'm a little bit closer to Sugawara... it was after school and I was watching the Volleyball club practice. I stare off Into space because just watching people spiking balls from one court to the other was just interesting. I liked volleyball... Keyword: Liked. A ball hit my head and I fell from my sitting position.

"Hey! Who the threw that?!" I shouted as everyone's eyes widened.

They knew it was a really bad idea to throw something at the Pocket wolf. Everyone then pointed at a certain orange head. He laughed nervously and started to sweat. A fiery aura appear behind me as I walk closer to Hinata. I clenched my fist and had my wolves eyes glaring at him.

"W-Wait! I didn't mean it! DAICHI-SAN!" He pleaded but Daichi just back away pretending he saw nothing.

"You will be missed," he replies with a sad look in his eyes.
"Etto- it's just an accident I swear! Okami-San!!!!!" He pleaded more.

I hated it when people call my last name. It means Wolf in Japanese. That's why they call me the Pocket Wolf. I gave him an evil smirk.

"Wolf, Huh? Oh I'll show you Wolf," I gave him a smug face as i grab a ball. "And it won't be the only accident today..."

I tossed the ball in the air and spike it towards Hinata. He dodged it luckily. And before I can get another ball. Someone lifted me up. I kept on struggling to escape. I turn around to face the person with my Wolf like face.

"Aiko-Chan. Don't be that way. You won't look cute anymore you know~" it was Sugawara.

I jumped out of his hug? And look away. My cheeks were so red... He was a true angel indeed! He's still smiling... He was waiting for a reply and so I look at Hinata again giving him a final glare before turning into my cute mode...

"Y-Y-Yes," Oh no I stuttered.

He smile and pat my hair, "Good,"

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