Suga X Depressed Reader

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Requested by~ JustAnotherBoardNerd

Your life wasn't always the best I mean you were abused until you could move out then on top of that all of junior and high school you were bullied and not just notes and occasionally pushes in the hall way it was more of being beaten so bad that you had to skip the rest of school which resulted in the school calling your parents which meant more beatings at home you met Yoongi at a fan meet when he saw some of our scars some from your self and some from your parents when he saw them he wrote down his number for you after talking for a while

Everything has just been awful the past month or two everything just came crumbling down but I had to put on a smile since I was invited to the BTS dorm and didn't want to worry them I had a oversized hoodie and skinny jeans on since we weren't doing anything fancy just watching a movie

I got to the dorm and was greeted by a very hyper V

"Oh hey Y/N come in the movie is about to start"

I walked in and saw everyone already sitting in there respective seat the only place left for you was next to Suga and I wasn't complaining we had finally decided on a horror movie and it turned out to be The Conjuring and I don't do so well with scary movies but since I didn't want to be anymore of a burden than I already was so I just decided to deal with it I felt myself getting more self conscious and it had to be at the worst time so I pulled my arms inside the hoodie it made me look like I was cold but instead I started to scratch my scars and a new patch of skin more and more till I could finally feel the blood starting down my arm I felt a little relief till there was a jump scare and I accidentally crashed into Suga I mumbled a small "sorry" when I looked around I noticed that only Suga and I where awake I could never understand people who fell asleep during horror movies

"Hey since there asleep why don't I walk you to the bus stop it's pretty late at night better safe than sorry"

"Oh I don't want to be a burdian I mean-"

"Your never a burdian and I insist"

"If your ok with it than I guess"

I put my arms back through the sleeves and mentally cursed myself for wearing a pastel colored hoodie since I scratched if the sleeve came in contact with my skin the blood would soak through and reveal the blood so I had to be really careful but once we were out the door Yoongi started to ask questions

"Ok what's wrong"

"What do you mean nothing w-wrong"

He walked ahead of me then turned around to face me

"Y/N i've known you for almost two years you can't lie to me that easily"

"My life isn't that important ok i'm not worth the fuss"

I started to speed up Yoongi walked silently behind me probably trying to make success of what I said

We finally got to my apartment I tried to close the door but Yoongi stopped me and walked in with me

"Sure you can come in"

I walked to my bedroom and started to get my PJ's and my cloths for tomorrow

"Ok your going to sit down and tell me what's wrong with you right now"

"It's not like you care no one does so please stop pretending like you do"

"What do you mean no one cares who told you that"

I didn't dare turn around

"Lets see my parents and almost everyone in junior and high school I was told day in and out that no one would care if I was there or not that I was worthless and that I was a waste of space and I believed them and I still do so stop pretending like you care because in all reality no one does"

I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist and a head on my shoulders

"Who ever said that is obviously blind and stupid because I Couldn't imagine my life without you i'm so happy I met you at the fam meet you make me happy you make all the boys happy you should see how Hobi lights up when he hears that your at the dorm if I could have you me everyday it would be amazing...and please stop cutting I can help you stop but you have to allow me to help you don't shut people who actually out let them help me and if you think it's only me than let only me help but please let someone help"

I didn't notice the tears coming down my cheeks till I felt Yoongi's hand wipe them off

"Fine I'll let you help but i'm not going to be "fixed" overnight"

"I know and I'll stay with you for however long it takes"

————————————————————————- I hope you enjoyed it and please request story's and vote and comment

See you potato's later

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