Jin X Abused Reader

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Requested by @Suga_KookieMonster
Thank you for requesting I enjoyed writing this one hope you enjoy

I was trembling while I sat in front of my boyfriend bed my cheeks where drenched with tears I also cover my mouth in an effort to hold in my sobs he turned around in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes he must have seen me because he was immediately by my side

"Baby" Jin said in a soft voice as he cupped my face "What happened"

When I didn't answer he reached up to his nightstand to turn on the lamp but I grabbed his hand to stop him


I managed to get out between my sobs

"Baby please let me see your face"

He wanted to see what he had done to my face this time

"no.. it's bad...I look hideous"

Hearing my insecurity he gave up and gently traced his fingers over my eyelids, cheekbones, lips, and chin he then moved to my nose and jawline. He knew my features by heart and tracing over my features he knew how much damage there had been I could see tears welled up in his eyes but he was holding them back not letting them spill over he went back and felt my swollen eye busted lip and bruised and slightly bleeding cheek bone he carfully and gentally kissed my trmbiling lips

"He did  this to you didnt he"

He whisper softly and without my permission he flicked on the light so he could see the damage I could only nod as I felt the tears coming back

"How could he treat you like this... what kind of parent.. Baby please you need to leave that place please come and stay with me"

"No I can't you live with the boys and I don't want to be a durden"

"I still have an apartment that needs someone to live in, please im begging you"

"You've already done so much and I don't want to stress you out more"

"Baby it's more stressful knowing that you are still living with that horrible man"


"Thank you, I love you"

"I love you to"

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