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[AN: Few things will be changed in the rest 5 chapters, I apologize again for the longest update.]

Chapter 19.

"Are you sure of what your saying?" I ask Moonbyul. She nods completely out of her selfish mind!

"Yes, I am. I know it's wrong for me to just leave you like that and I'm sorry." She said with a hint of sincerity in her voice. I look at her straight in the eyes and I could tell she's serious and sincere.

"Look, you left me. Don't I have another reason for me to stay with you?" I ask her crossing my arms waiting for her to answer me. I am piss, mad, angry, hurt, sad, other emotions that can hurt me. I am really mad that she's so selfish about her leaving me!

"Marry me." She suggests. "Love me. Care for me. Let's live together again." Again? Living with you is the biggest mistake I ever made in my entire life! Why would you come back after all these 5 years?! I felt so happy without you and now that your here you made everything worst!

"No." I said sternly. "You left me just because you want to go somewhere far and enjoy your life?! Your so selfish you know that!" I started shouting getting some attention of the people. I don't care, I am so mad right now to even care about them.

"You don't UNDERSTAND!!" She shouts back. Oh now she's the one whose mad, what else can I understand? You breaking my heart? Leaving me? Not showing up when I need you?

"Then what? Why did you leave me?!" I ask feeling heated up.

"You don't understand...." she whispers tears already falling. "I... I have a disease you know. The disease that can't be healed!" She told me taking a sit on the bench that was behind us all this time. She buries her face on her hands and started crying making a river.

"So, why didn't you tell me?! Why now?!" I ask her still angry.

"It's because I need to go there fast. It's an emergency." She says I'm still not buying it. "Remember the day I sent you to your house after what we did that night? I went home and started feeling dizzy. My breathing starts to feel off and my heart beats quickly. My hands and legs feels jelly and it's shaking so badly. I have no choice but to call my maid or a butler for help. I was dying. I didn't know what to do. All I remember is that I was on the floor looking for some help then the second thing is, I was now in the States recovering." She explains as I came to be quiet. I have nothing else to say. It's true, I could see how she's so sincere about it.

I just look at her and lift her chin up to see her face. I wipe her tears and kiss her both cheeks then her forehead. I gave a small smile as she smile weakly feeling scared to even smile.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say before kissing those lips I never kissed for 5 damn years. I kiss her passionately and hungrily. God, I miss this. I already remembered who she is. I remember how I touch her, how this kiss felt like in the first day I kissed her, how I loved her, all this feelings are coming back. I knew in the start she was so familiar, she's so different from that jerk Eric, she's just different.

"It's fine. I'm also sorry for leaving you all these years. I'm really sorry." She apologizes placing my hands on her chest while looking at me with those brown perfect eyes.

"But why now? Why didn't you tell me when you were ok? Why do you have to wait for 5 years to tell me?" I ask her. She looks down feeling guilty and sad.

"Do you remember how we first met over the passed 5 years?" She asks as I nod. "Those 5 years, all I could do is try forgetting about you but I can't. I can't just forget about you over those years we show love with each other. You were my first love and you still are." She says placing her hand on my cheek. "And I'm surprised you had forgotten about me over those five years. I thought in the first day we met, you'll hug me or kiss me something like that, but no. You just gave me a smile. A smile that hurt me once you find out all about this."

"But, I'm sure that I still love you even though we didn't say goodbye in a proper way." I said. All she could so is smile. I smile back wanting to kiss her again and so I did. I kiss her putting much love into it. She knows how much I miss kissing her so she deepens it. The kiss was the unforgettable moment I've done with her over the past 5 years. I miss her so much.

"I'm sorry again. I should've told you that I'm leaving..."

"It's ok." Was all I said before kissing her again.


Next chapter....

Here's the chapter!!

Hope you like it.

There is so much drama in it.

I'm sorry again for the longest update, and sorry if it's short...

But, thank you for reading!!

The next is their flashback to how Moonbyul suffered that night. But don't worry after the flashback is chapter 20.

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