Chapter 1

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A/N: hey guys, here's a new and unique story that most people don't write about - Ariana Grande and Luke Hemmings. I love them both and a big fan of them and just had a good idea for a story, please read and I love youuuu -megan(:


Ariana's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring with noise. I opened my eyes and looked at the normal time I wake up: 4:00 am. I didn't go to sleep last night until 12:00 because of recording.

I love my job, if anything. Playing Cat Valentine on Victorious is my dream and I couldn't see anybody else playing her. After I realized that I needed to be ready and out the door by 5:00, I scrambled out of bed and threw up my hair in order to apply makeup.

Once my makeup was done, I chose my normal "Cat" outfit. I put on a pink sweatshirt, skinny jeans, pastel pink flats and my hair in ponytail with a red ribbon.

I looked myself up and down in the mirror until I was satisfied with my look. I grabbed my phone and money for lunch and ran out the door, considering it was already 5:20.

When I was driving I kept checking the time; 5:21. 5:38. 5:43. 5:54. Time was ticking and I needed to be at the studio by 5:35 and I still had 5 more minutes which will make me 30 minutes late.

I pulled in and ran inside to see Dan and the whole cast waiting for me. I took a deep breath and approached them.

"Oh well well well, look who finally decided to show up?" Dan said, waiting for a response. But before I can he started again.

"Care to explain?" He said with the same expression.

I stared at him in shame. "Well I didn't get much sleep last night because I had to record and I guess I lost track of time while getting ready, I'm sorry guys.." I said not making eye contact with anybody.

"Just, don't let it happen again." Dan said turning to the whole set, "Okay everybody, get ready for take 1!", Dan turned to us, "You guys head to Sikowits's room."


Once the first half of the episode was filmed, we all left for lunch. I hopped in my car and headed down to Papa John's - fancy, right?

As I was turning the corner and stopped at a stop light, a huge thud echoed in my car. I jumped up and gasped.

As I turned my head a blonde hair boy with a crazed face, is in my window.

"AHH!" I squeal and jump back in my seat. I rolled down my with shock on my face.

"Umm, get off my car?!" I squeaked. We just awkwardly started at each as my heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Hey, I need a ride, please let me in." The boy said. He looked around my age and he didn't look like he could even hurt a fly.

"You're not gonna murder me are you?" I said sounding dumb. He laughed and shook his head. "No I wouldn't be able to get away with it." He said still giggling.

"Um, yeah sure get in." I said nervously. What did I just do?

He disappeared behind my car and hopped in the passenger seat as he kept staring at me.

"So uh.. why did you decide to scare the crap out of me and hop in my car?" I asked as I looked him up and down. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and ripped skinny jeans. His hair was perfectly up and his lip was pierced - it suited him well.

"I'm late for a show that's starting in an hour and I skipped rehearsals." He said quickly as we finally started moving.

"You expect me to take you there?" I said kind of annoyed that my lunchtime might be held up. I love food.

"Well, can you?" He asked in a high pitched voice.

"Fine." I said, not knowing what I just got myself into.

Catch Me // Luke Hemmings | Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now