Chapter 3

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 Tutor was perhaps the most boring part of the day, twenty minuets sat all by myself, in a room full of people I hate, Today was not an exception, however being given our timetables meant that I had something to pre occupy my morning with, instead of looking into space. I sighed at the fact I would have to wait until fifth period to see the mysterious dance teacher, and the fact I had double maths first, science however was great and I was looking to talking to Mr Holcourt, who safe to say, Is down with the kids, then I have English, and being a English teacher wanna be sends my excitement over the edge for this.

"Lucy!" Amy called, I liked Amy, she was cool, however I don't really think she liked me. I just looked at her, "Mrs Leafs had her baby, did you know?"

"Really? That's cute" I smiled at her, I love babies, I really do.

"Yeah Christmas day, They called her Jesus."

"Really? That's... cute" I said this time a little unconvincingly.

"Nope, she called her Matilda May" And she retreated back to her friends laughing at the back of the class, To be honest, I don't know if that's better...

The bell once again made me poo myself, as I disappeared into the bottom of my seat remaining put for my 2 hours of maths, receiving glares from everyone because I was the only one in my tutor in the top set.

Mr Lee decided to re jig the seating plan abit, putting me next to Chloe Texas, we were good friends in like year nine, but fell out, I decided that this would now be an awkward lesson. Me and Chloe sat doing the quadratic formula in silence for at least and hour when she suddenly was the first to talk.

"Look, Lucy. If we are gonna do this, and have fun. You need to be civil with me!" She whispered while suttlely growling at the same time. I just nodded and continued my work. After a half hour had passed she said, "Not really being civil are you, Talk to me then,"

"Hello Chloe" I whispered.

"Sir! Lucy's distracting me from my work!" she whined as I just buried my head in my hands.

"Lucy just get on with your work, Do you really want a detention on the first day?" I was in the midst of replying to him when the bell caught me off mid sentence and I flew out the class quicker than you could say maths!

Finally it was break time, and I could already see Dani and Nelly at the Table.

"Hey Lou, Having a good day?" Dani asked while hugging me

"Terrible... and it hasn't even been half a day!"

"Shes sitting next to that Chloe girl in maths!" Nelly said while she patted me on the shoulder to console me. They knew all about the argument, and how Chloe and Brandon tried to set my house on fire last year, and framed me for it. Luckily Eliza knew I would have never done it, and stood up for me so I didn't have to go too a mental ward, as that's where they would have put me due to my mother.

"Do you have dance today?" I asked Nelly whilst chucking my bag onto the table

"No first tomorrow, You?" She replied.

"Yeah, Last. At least that's something to look forward too!, Wheres Shan?"

"Mr Blog wanted her for something..."



"Well I'm gonna go to Science early yeah, See you later"

"Lou, Wait!" They both shouted and pulled me into a hug "Chin up yeah!" I nodded with a half hearted smile and walked off.

The trek to science was life threatening, passing learning support where Chloe and her group hang out, and having to head down the English corridor where Brandon seemed to be waiting for me. as he started calling my name but I just walked all that bit faster, until a ball of paper hit my in the back of the head, I started to well up, but I wasn't gonna give them that satisfaction, so I just kept walking. Finally hitting my science room, I felt relieved, as I saw Mr Holcourt sitting at his desk

"Hey Lucy, Nice holiday?" he asked while smiling at me with his pearly whites, Mr H was the teacher all the girls fancied, He was hot, not gonna lie, but I didn't fancy him, Hes a teacher that's just weird!

"Yeah Holby, You? Normal Place? I asked.

"That's a new one" He laughed, " And yes and yes"

"Awesome" I replied whilst grabbing my seat at the back of the class.

As the bell sounded many more students started to fill the class with there bodies, as I saw Josh and Mickey coming to our table, "Hey Luce,"  They said in unison.

"You alright?" I asked

"Yep" They once again said in unison.

"Lucy Lou!" That too familiar voice screamed from the door of the class as she ran to me.

"KayDay, Hi" Kay was one of my only friends in year 11, along side Josh and Mickey the fact i had them on my table made this lesson fly by quicker than maths by far, aided by the fact we never actually did any work, just talked, the main subject being maths.

"There's no way she should be next to you, does Lee not know what happened last year?" Kay said as we started packing our stuff away.

"Apparently not, Anyways see you later" I groaned as I hugged her goodbye.

English was over incredibly quickly, Kay would usually be in that lesson too, but she had to see the guidance counsellor for something, that was annoying though, I missed a lesson full of M.A.S.H.

I made my way to the canteen and grabbed myself a chicken and bacon pasta salad, and a can of lemonade. ignoring almost everyone in the canteen, whilst i dumped it in my bag and headed out of the claustrophobic nightmare. I pulled out my phone to read my text that had just buzzed in from Eliza, it read 'Hope you're having a good day' Well, My day was quite mixed. I was thinking of what to reply when I was in collision with what I only wished could be a pole, and dropped my phone due to the impact,

"Oh...oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed while picking up some of the folders that the mystery person had dropped.

"Oh no, not to worry I should have looked where I was going!" she laughed while going to fetched my dropped phone, I wasn't too sure why she was laughing but I assumed it was due to my sudden realization she was an actual person. "Hears your phone Miss..."

"Thanks" I said while checking it wasn't broken, It seemed undamaged. She laughed again


"Oh sorry Lucy..." I shoved my phone into my pocket and stuck my hand out to her "Lucy Harris"

"Nice to meet you Lucy, I'm Mrs Tuck" She looked a little like a bug, Not going to lie, Her eyes we just a little bigger than her mouth, and framed by her tortoiseshell RayBan's emphasized that quality, Her long brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and her fringe sat just on top of her glasses. She was wearing a blue hoodie with The initials K.T on her left breast and black jogging bottoms with the same on the pocket and dance written up the leg.  I then realized I still held her things

"Ohh... Sorry here," I said while pushing her sheets to her. This was very awkward. She smiled at me and showed of her perfectly moulded teeth that were quite small and round, as her eyes met mine for the first time. "You're new here... aren't you?"

"Yes, Its my first day today" I smiled, as I finally caught on as to who she was. I stared at her for about two minuets... she broke the silence with a cough

"Oh yeah. Sorry. If you need anyone to show you around I'm ya girl" I said whilst heading off in the direction she came as she turned to me

"Sure Lucy...?

"Harris" I said whilst pointing at her with both hands.

I smiled to myself as I walked away... She seems nice... and pretty...

Picture of Mrs Tuck to the side...

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