Chapter 30b

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Lucys P.O.V

I threw my bag on my bed and slumped myself upon it Thursdays were utter rubbish, Double English, maths and double dance. Dance was usually alright, except from when you fffing teachers been missing for the last blimming week no phone calls. nothing. 

I'm not going in tomorrow, I thought to myself whilst running the shower and letting the steam onto my skin, I suppose i should be out looking for her. but then again if we both went missing who would be talking then? I lathered my body with the peachy shower gel, resting on the shelf. It was katies favourite one, and thinking about her made me want to cry, and punch a wall. what if I never saw her again? would she have just left me? after all we've been through! 

I chucked my robe over my sticky skin, stepping into my flip floppy slippers, I ran downstairs to the fridge, realizing id just spent two hours in the shower, I took my crocodile clip and bundled my hair into it. Pulling the crate of orange out, and tipping it into my mug. I was in my own little world. Shit, What was that? i listened again... There it was... I cautiously tip toed to the front door, and pulled the door open. 

Fuck. Katie

She stood there, shivering, gripping the side of the porch. She walked in of her own accord and never really said a word, yet when i reached her, she pulled me in close. 

She ran her fingers over my robe, taking in the soft feeling of the fabric, her hands a icy white, her cheeks were a glistening pink and her eyes still mystical and bright, she lent into me and placed her hand upon my cheek, as if recollecting memories she'd lost, she traced me for a while, running her hands down my arms and back, it felt nice over the fluff upon my skin.

She stopped dead, as she reached the long tail of my robe, she looked from it to me, and i smiled, as if to say, thank god you're safe. and she released it. I felt it drop, the cold air snapping at my skin, my limbs all hanging loose and free. I was shocked, but felt ready, yet so confused, Katie was gone all this time and now, she wants me?

Her fingers traced me once more, following the outline, my silhouette. I realized this was the first proper time she'd seen me bare. completely naked. I found her eyes whilst lifting my hand, she nodded, to say its okay, and I pulled, Her zip fell, and i prized her jacket from her shoulders. revealing her small delicate features, covered only by a vest. I did to her what she did to me, simultaneously down each arm, her arms formed goosebumps and shivered slightly, she was much cooler than my hot body. I felt bad for taking her clothes from her, I noticed bruising to her lower arms, so moved gentler around them, they made me feel sick, her touch being the only medican. I pushed my hands into her leggings and forced them down. She was now still, In her pants and vest. Her nipples protruding through the fabric, either with cold or delight. 

I felt her hand upon my breast, she wiggled it abit, and smiled. I real smile. The cheeky grin I love her for, making me lean in and kiss it, I felt her kiss back and she became rough, she moved to my neck and nibbled, pulling upon the skin with her lips, Her hand moved to my head and released my hair, my moist hair bounced against my hand and she threw the clip on the sofa.  I pulled away, and grabbed her hand, leading her upstairs. I fell onto the bed and she fell on top i felt her hand move to my lower region, trying to find that sensitive part. she found it. like a pro, and i felt myself becoming wet and my skin becoming clammy. I pushed my hands up her vest as i began to feel myself tightening, my heartbeat quickened and it felt good I was beginning to climax, my first climax.

I felt my lower areas tighten and all my senses reeled. I leaked, all over the bed, only to the sound of my moaning, my pelvis rocking and throbbing with delight and her breathing quickened too, like she was finding the pleasure from my pleasure and she giggled, as she moaned and her underwear became moist. I found the strength to lift my arm into her undies and pulled them off, my pelvis rocking against hers and i came again, feeling her against my leg and letting her juices run down me. It was a feeling I had been waiting for. I felt her tense and shiver, moaning again and returning to my neck I pulled her onto the bed and took position on the top, i placed my hand in between her legs and moved it cautiously back and Fourth, the moisture making the movement easier and making me feel more delightful She started rocking and her face became red and sweaty, She threw her hands up to me and wrapped them around my body, pulling me into the tightest embrace id ever had. and the first words i heard in a week

'Lucy, I love you"


Authors note

Well this chapter was a little naughty!

sorry about the large time gap, I should be able to update more frequantly now as i have alot of free time. What sort of things would you like to see happen towards the end of the story, would you read a sequal? 

Lots of Love


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