Chapter 27

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"Here we are" Katie whispered into my ear as she uncovered my eyes, the goosebumps leaving with her touch. I looked down to see a gigantic river, gently cascading down sets and groups of stones and rocks, the rainbow in the background complimented the blue sky and bright sun, by the side of us lay a blanket, with a old wicker basket and a bottle of champagne. I felt tears brim my eyes as i felt overwhelmed with every little thing Katie has ever given me to remember. Its just a very strange feeling that five months ago I never knew such a woman as Katie Tuck, and now, I couldn't live without her.

I turned to her and kissed her delicately, as she pulled me down making me scream, as we rolled on the grass, Katie started giggling and i joined her, We looked up at the sky and watched the birds flapping their wings above us, we led there for about 15 minuets until Katie sat up and poured us some fizz. I placed my head on her shoulder from behind,

"Do you know how much I admire you?" I asked her nuzzling into her neck

"This much?" She asked clicking my glass to hers.

" Abit more" I smiled and took a sip from my glass.

She opened the basket and tossed me a sandwich. "Salmon" She said while rooting through.

"Why Salmon?"

"Because its your favourite"

"You know me so well," I claimed and opened the package. I bit into the white bread which was spongy and luscious, the salad filling my mouth with a touch of mayonnaise and butter was sensuous on my tongue. The salmon fitted perfectly..."Did you make this?" I asked her as she bit into a Apple,

"Yes, Well I tried too... Is it good?"


"I succeeded then" she smiled and took another bite

"Shall we play the question game?"

"You first" she said turning to face me more

"What's your favourite animal?"

"A rabbit they're really fluffy and adorable" She cooed as I laughed at her response "Favourite lesson besides dance?" She winked and lent into me.

"English... Or Drama, What was your nickname at school?"

"Ohh god..." She looked up as she tried to think "Buggy..." I giggled as she playfully punched my arm "Hey... That's not nice don't laugh at me, Whats so funny about it?"

"When I first met you I described you as a bit of a bug..."

"Oh gee, Thanks"

"Welcome, Why were you called that though...what was it that made them take the micky of such a beautiful bug like creature?" She pulled a pouty face and lent back again.

"I don't know... I was very refined at school... Didn't really speak to many people, No one really knew me as I'd never speak... I think it was the only thing that they could pick up on, At my school, if you weren't a somebody, you were a nobody, and that meant you would get kicked down at the first hurdle. I was a bit like you sweet, No matter how much I could have tried, They wouldn't have listened to my little voice. Probably didn't help I liked the bigger frames as well." She explained fixing her glasses upon her nose. I looked up at her, my eyes brimmed with tears as she quickly changed the subject of the conversation. "Whats a secret?"

"Ummm... To be honest" I looked at the floor playing with my fingers wondering weather I should tell her. "I don't really want to do GCSE dance any more..."

"What are you talking about... why?"

"Its just... I feel so over shadowed in that class... I always have. You see how they treat me Katie, Its like im trash,"

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