Chapter 5

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"Where've you been?" Shaniah asked as I reached our table almost 10 minuets later than usual.

"Oh I've just been talking to the new Dance teacher"

"OMG!" Nelly cried while sliding onto the bench next to me "Is he fit?"

"She... and do you really want me to answer that?" Yes, Yes I guess she is... wait what am I saying. Luce. Shes a teacher. And a female! I've always known I was gay, or at least bi. I've never loved a boy before, only females, and only older ones at that, however, they were always only Celebrity's, never real people... But as soon as I saw, Mrs Tuck... I felt something.

"Hmmm, no then, I guess not" She replied obviously disappointed. "Is she nice?"

"Seems to be"

"Awhhh Lucy, You have her next!"

I nodded, to be honest I was very excited, after the moment we shared earlier I couldn't hope but think that for this half of the year, Dance Is gonna be somewhat enjoyable.

"Well Luce at least you're not crying to us about how you don't want to go," Dani said. She was correct as well, all last year, I would cry before every dance lesson because I hated it so much. If Mrs Leaf said 'Go in pairs' I'd be a loner, I had no friends in that class!

I pulled out my salad and started to pick at it, whilst thinking about the encounter with Mrs Tuck, sadly shes married though. Lucy! snap out of it. Shes your teacher, do you realize how sick that is?

"Lucy!? Luce! Snap out of it" Shaniah shouted in my ear. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies"


"Honestly though." she laughed.

I didn't really feel like eating much anymore, so I put the lid back on my salad and hoped that it would keep for after school. As the bell rang, I was glad i bought the lid with me.

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