Chapter 9

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I fell onto my bed, recapping what had happened just minuets before. It was crazy, I had only met the woman half an hour before the lesson started, and we just had that much integrity. I'm so confused. Is there something happening here? I've never been in a situation like this before, but I do know, that that wasn't your average dance lesson. I can't tell if this is in my head though, she is obviously straight... i think. well she has a band on her wedding finger, so shes married... I think. I don't know, I really don't know. However maybe this is just a spur of the moment, Ill walk into dance on Wednesday and everything will be normal, yes, maybe.

I was interrupted mid thought by the sound of my doorbell, I really couldn't be bothered to go and answer it, so hoped they would go away. The bell kept ringing for about 3 minuets before I caved, I stuck my head out of my window to come face to face with Kay. I chucked my keys down to her, and told her she knows where I am and within a split second my bedroom door slammed open.

"I am so furious with you!" she shouted while grabbing onto my shoulders and shaking me.

"Why? What?" I struggled to get away from her grasp.

"Where were you today?"


"After school" I then remembered that I was supposed to meet Kay after school, by the gates, as we always do on the first day back.

"Oh... Mrs Tuck wanted to keep me behind, something about assignments."

"Assignments, on the first day back! What are you hiding? Oh my god, you were with a boy, you cheeky devil who?"

"No seriously, I wasn't" Obviously the fact that I've never loved a real person before, meant I wasn't entirely sure weather my 'lesbianic tendency's' were a phase. I hadn't come out yet, purely for the reason that I had no proof.

"Sure..." she said while plonking herself on my bed.. "Luce, we're best friends, you're supposed to tell me these things"

"Shut up" I replied while flinging a pillow around her head "You know i'd tell you anything, if there was anything to tell"

"Hmm, I guess... So who is this Mrs Tuck then? "

I wondered... who actually is Mrs Tuck...

"Shes our new dance teacher, covering for Mrs L."

"Oh right... Is she nicer than Mrs Leaf?"


"Luce, are you home?" I heard Eliza call from downstairs, Me and Kay made our way to greet her. "Did you have a good day?" She asked as I came down the stairs, "Hello Kate."

"Hi Miss Vowles"

"Oh Kay, please just call me Eliza"

"Yeah mum, I had an amazing day actually, Dance was good for once."

"Well that's nice to hear, I can't bare to see you upset about something I know you're so passionate about"

Kay interrupted the conversation by implying she had to go with a suttle see you later, Eliza started cooking pasta bake, Its my favourite and Eliza cooks the best. At dinner I told her all about my day, she seemed relieved that I actually have found some comfort in dance, due to our new teacher, who I never really went into too much detail about but she knew something was up.

"You like her don't you? Like... Like like her?" I almost choked on my pasta at that shock arousal, Eliza was the only one that knew I thought I was gay, and she was amazing at supporting me. however shes never said anything like this before and sounded almost excited.

"NO!... Shes my teacher... That's weird... no" I exclaimed, while shaking my head... trying to convince myself.

"Well, when you're done denying it, you know you can talk to me if needs be" I laughted at that comment, almost a little pissed off, as I stood up and made my way to my room. "Did I cross some sort of line?" She shouted after me as I replied with "Don't you always, when it comes to girls"

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