Chapter 2

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Diego is in his father's company. Then he tried to call Alyssa's cell phone.

"Hello Lyssa"
" Who is this?"
"Just last night we met, you've forgotten my voice"
"Diego! Where are you now? Quickly remove me from your apartment!"
"Wait a minute, I'll be there soon"
Then Diego hung up and went to his apartment.


Upon arriving at the apartment, Alyssa scolds Diego

"You deliberately locked me up here after last night you gave me some sleeping pills!"

"I'm sorry, I was in a rush to my father's company because there are some documents I have to sign up"

"Okay then I'm going home now! Thank you for making me breakfast"

Alyssa rushed out of the apartment and Diego pulled her hand away.

"Why did you pull my hand ?!"
"Let me take you"
"No, I can take a taxi!"
"Come on Lyssa!"
"Well if you insist"

Finally, Diego led Alyssa to her apartment.

"Thank you for driving me"
"Tonight at 7 pm I will pick you up and invite you to dinner"
" Are you serious?"
" Of course!"
"Well then, thank you for driving me"
Before getting out of the car, Alyssa kissed Diego on the cheek and surprised Diego.

"Why are you surprised like that?"
"It's okay, then see you tonight"

Alyssa got out of the car and walked into her apartment


At the corner of the road, there are a pair of eyes watching over Diego's movements while calling someone.

"Diego drove a woman to an apartment"
"Keep watching every move, and let me know if anything is suspicious"
"Well sir, I will give you news"

Then the guy broke off his phone and followed Diego from behind his car


Alyssa invites her best friend,
Jenifer Alexander, for lunch together.

"Where have you been? Last night I tried to contact you but your phone is off"

"Last night I met a man who annoyed me so much!"

"Oh really? Is he good-looking?"

"Of course he will not touch me!"

"How can a woman as beautiful as you do not touch him? Or do not-"

"Let's go! It's better to discuss business only"

"Okay, I've prepared everything so you just keep an eye on it"

"Good. then so I do not have to bother handling everything"

After discussing the work, Alyssa invited Jenifer to come to her office. Suddenly she feels in follow someone.

"Jenny, does anyone seem to follow our car?"

"Oh really? How do you know?"

"I'm from there seeing a black car following us"

"Maybe it's just your feeling"

"Looks like I'm going to outwit the car so we can avoid it"

Eventually Alyssa pushed the car fast and she picked a path that only one car could pass so that the car that followed from behind had lost track.

"Finally we are free of that car"

"You have to hire a bodyguard to ensure your safety is guaranteed"

" I also think that way"


At 7 pm, Diego picks Alyssa up and takes her to a fancy restaurant.

"Your taste is very good in choosing a restaurant"

"Incidentally the owner of this restaurant is my uncle"

"Oh really? Very nice"

The waiter came with the menu.

"Please choose the food you like"

After they picked out the food, Diego invited her to talk until the waiter brought their food order.

"I really like the food it tastes on my tongue"

"I  will take you to meet my uncle"

"Very nice indeed"

After they had finished dinner, Diego drove Alyssa home to her apartment.

"Thank you for taking me to dinner"

"Think of it as my apology"

"Okay, see you Diego!"

Eventually they parted and without them noticing someone was watching their movements from a distance

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