Chapter 9

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Kitty looked so pleased to see Diego's arrival that brought them plenty of food for them.

"I'm glad you're better"

"I bring plenty of food for you"

Suddenly Ruben ran toward Diego and hugged him tightly

"I miss dad so much!"

"Dad also really miss you"

"Let's have lunch together! Mom has cooked father's favorite food"

Finally they had lunch together and Kitty was happy because they could gather like a whole family.


Alyssa tried to contact Diego but his cell phone was off. She is very worried about Diego.

"Why do you look uneasy?"

"I tried to contact Diego but his cell phone was off"

"Maybe at this moment he does not want to be disturbed"

"Looks like I should catch him up to the office"

"Do you need me to be with you?"

"No need Jenifer, I can go alone"

" Be careful"

Eventually Alyssa went to Diego's office. When she arrived there, she did not find Diego and she was increasingly anxious about Diego's unknown whereabouts.

"Do you know where Mr. Fitzgerald went?"

"Sorry Mrs.Fitzgerald, Mr. Fitzgerald did not tell where he was going"

"If he comes to the office please tell him to call me"

"I will convey your message to him"

Alyssa was very disappointed not to find Diego and she returned to her office.


When Diego returns to his office, he gets a message from his secretary to call Alyssa.

He felt very guilty for not remembering to call Alyssa. Then he started calling Alyssa.

"Alyssa, sorry I just contacted you"

"Where have you not told me?"

"I was having business with my business partner so I turned off my phone"

Diego was forced to lie because he did not want to hurt Alyssa's feelings.

"Next time you do not like this, I'm so worried about you"

"Well dear I promise not to repeat my mistake"

" I want us to dinner together at our favorite restaurant"

"Well, I'm going to pick you up"

"Okay! See you tonight"

Diego broke off his phone and felt very guilty about lying to Alyssa.


At 7 pm Diego picked up Alyssa and took her to their favorite restaurant.

"There's something I want to talk to you about"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk about my past, I hope you can accept it"

Alyssa understood the direction of the conversation that Diego referred to.

"I already know everything"

"What do you know?"

"I know if you have a child with your former lover"

Diego was shocked to learn that Alyssa had known about his son.

" How do you know?"

"When you're in a coma, Kitty invites a child to visit you, and I know when the child calls you father"

"I'm sorry, I have not been so open with you, I do not want you to leave me"

"After all we have become a married couple and I must be able to accept your past including your son"

"Thank you for accepting me including my son"

"I want you take him for a vacation with us, however he is my son even though I am not his birth mother"

"Okay I'll take him for a vacation with us"

Diego is very pleased to know that Alyssa thinks Ruben is like her own son.


The next day, Diego asks Kitty for permission to take Ruben on vacation with him.

"Kitty, I hope you allow me to take Ruben on holiday with me"

"Did Alyssa take a vacation with you?"

"Of course, she has the idea of ​​taking Ruben on holiday with us"

Kitty did not like to know that Alyssa was on holiday with Diego and Ruben. But as a mother, she could not resist Diego's desire to take Ruben on vacation.

"All right, I'll allow Ruben to go on holiday with you, but please keep Ruben well."

"I'm sure I'll take good care of it, thank you for allowing me to take him on a vacation with me"

Diego is very happy because his plan came true to bring Ruben closer to Alyssa.

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