Chapter 5

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After lunch with Alyssa, Diego goes to meet Harold and he gets very upset when he finds out that Harold goes to Alyssa's office.

"Harold, what exactly do you want ?!"

"Finally you came to see me after so long did not meet"

"I do not like you coming to my beloved"

"I'm sorry if I'm sassy to meet your lover, I just want to hold you to be responsible to my sister"

" What do you mean?!"

"Did you forget your own deed that hurt my sister ?!"

" I do not understand what you mean!"

"Well if you do not understand then I explain. Years ago you made my sister almost wretched until she was almost dying. Lucky the doctor immediately rescued her, I want you to be responsible by marrying her!"

"What the fuck you're telling me to marry Kitty!"

"For your information, Kitty is now taking care of your child by herself and you're leaving her when she's pregnant!"

Diego was shocked to learn that he had a child with Kitty.

"I'm sorry, I can not marry her, I really love Alyssa"

"You bastard! you just beware!
I will give you a punishment for your deeds to my sister!"

Diego came out of Harold's office with a sense of guilt that haunted his mind. He had no mind if Kitty had hidden her pregnancy from him.


Harold approached Kitty who was putting her son to sleep.

"Harold, how fast you go home"

"How's Ruben doing?"

"Things are getting better, why do you look like that?"

"I met that bastard!"

"You did not hurt him, did you?"

"I think I want to kill him after what he did to you!"

"Please do not hurt him, however he is the father of my son"

"He must marry you anyway, otherwise I'll kill him with my own hands!"

Kitty is terrified of hearing threats from Harold and she does not want Diego to be hurt because until now she still loves Diego.


Alyssa dozens of times contact Diego but no answer. She was very nervous about Diego.

"Why do you look uneasy?"

"It's been dozens of times I tried to contact him but no response"

"Maybe Diego is busy with his job"

"Hopefully like that"

"Are you in trouble?"

"It was not there just this afternoon Diego changed a bit when I told him there was a man who came to the office to meet me"

"How did Diego react after you told him about the man?"

"He looks unhappy when I mention the man's name"

"Why do not you go to his office now?"

"Good idea! Looks like I should go there now"

Eventually Alyssa went to Diego's office to meet him.


Diego thought about Harold's words about Kitty. Suddenly there was a call from his secretary telling him that someone wanted to meet him.

"Is there a woman who wants to see you?"

" Who is she?"

"Her name is Kitty Mcfarland. Would you like to see her?"

Diego was very surprised by Kitty's arrival to his office. Then he instructs his secretary to let Kitty into his room.

"Hi Diego! Sorry I'm disturbing your time"

"You do not interrupt my time."

"Actually I'm here to apologize for Harold's treatment of you."

"You do not have to worry about it. I can not hurt your brother"

"Sorry if all this time I did not tell you about our son"

"I'm the one who should apologize for not being responsible to you"

"I do not want to ask you for your responsibility, if you want to visit Ruben, just come to my apartment"

"Okay, starting tomorrow I'll visit you"

Suddenly Alyssa came into Diego's room and how surprised she was when she saw that Kitty was with Diego

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