A Debt to Pay

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Dawn woke up the next morning with the sunlight shining on her. She was spread out across the bed and there was a near empty bottle of bourbon next to her. She picked it up and drank the last few drops. Her body ached from the scuffle, but she was glad that she was not seriously hurt. Although it was something she should have been proud of, she did not feel that way. She went into the bathroom to splash water on her face. Then, she went to the kitchen and found a pack of Fancy Lads Snack Cakes next to the stove. That would be her breakfast.

Later that afternoon, Dawn was now outside what was once the Fashion Show Mall. She had a small leather backpack and her .45 pistol with her. The mall was once home to many overpriced clothing and merchandising stores. It was also frequented by spoiled rich teenagers and anyone else who had money to throw away. The fancy sense of design the mall once had was now a thing of the past. The mall now contained stores to purchase weapons, ammo, armor, and medical supplies. There was also a bar and a food court that served food that would never pass a health inspection. Dawn walked past a large runway in the middle of the hall towards the liquor store.

She sat on a bench while other patrons passed by and then opened her bottle of bourbon and took a sip. Then, someone caught the corner of her eye. It was a quick glimpse and she thought it was the young man in the crowd from last night. She placed the bourbon in her backpack and walked down the aisle. Dawn looked in every direction, but he was nowhere to be found. She ran towards the exit and looked outside. It seemed he had vanished into thin air. Up on the staircase, the young man looked down and watched her as she headed down the sidewalk.

As Dawn ascended in the elevator in the Stratosphere Hotel, she took sips of her bourbon. She leaned against the wall and listened to the sounds of the cables and belts pulling the elevator. When she exited into the hallway, a member of the Shadow approached her.

"Dawn, there's someone here to see you," he told her.

"Who is it, and why'd you let him up here?" She asked, annoyed.

"Relax, he's clean."

Dawn walked towards her room and saw the young man leaning near her door. He waved to Dawn as she walked over to him.

"Well, well, well, what brings you here?" She asked him.

"I owe you. You saved me the other night and now, I'm in your debt."

"That still doesn't explain why you disappeared."

"All that matters now is that I'm here and I will repay my debt to you. My name is Damon Marcinko."

Damon extended his hand.

"Dawn Crenshaw," she introduced herself.

They shook hands.

"I heard stories about you," Damon admired, "Your encounters in the wasteland are legendary."

"Never knew that. Let's go inside."

They entered the room.

"What something to drink? How 'bout some water?" She asked.

She took two bottles of purified water and gave him one. They sat down on the couch. Dawn took out her bourbon and drank it from the bottle. She pointed the bottle to Damon who refused.

"I'm sorry I tried to rob you," he regretted, "I owed those men some money. I'm not even a thief or a street hustler."

Dawn giggled.

"You didn't even have a real gun," she teased.

She looked at his shaven head.

"You a Shaolin Monk?" She wondered.

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