Defending the Sanctuary

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The Outcasts and the residents were engaged in a firefight near a bar called the Skum Pitt. The bar was not built like any other building. It was composed of ridged metal that was used for the walls and the roof. The words "SKUM PITT" was spray painted white near the entrance and there was a red sign which read "BAR" and had an arrow pointing at the door. Dawn and Damon shot at the Outcasts. Maddie saw a sniper in a window of a brick building.

"Watch out for the sniper," Maddie informed.

Then, she quickly disappeared. Dawn saw the laser pointing at the residents. She fired a shot at the sniper to divert his attention. Dawn and Damon ran into an abandoned building behind them and leaned against the wall.

"I can take him out!" Damon tried to convince Dawn.

"Let Maddie handle it," she assured him.

Maddie was inside the empty building and saw the sniper. She took out her dagger and approached him. Then, she wrapped her arm around his throat and dragged him down. The sniper dropped the gun as Maddie placed the knife to his throat.

"That's it, fear me," she whispered, "Blood pouring out of your skin makes me ecstatic. I love the feeling of a sharp blade cutting into flesh."

Maddie slowly ran the knife across his throat as she was overcome with an orgasmic feeling. She giggled near his ear.

Dawn looked out of the smashed window and saw Maddie staring right at her.

"She got him," Dawn confirmed.

"Damn, she's good."

Dawn smiled. They ran out of the store and joined the residents while shooting down the Outcasts. Then, a bullet struck Dawn in the armor and she stumbled down. Damon saw her and tried to help her up.

"I'm okay!" She yelled, "Take them out!"

Damon ran over to the residents. As soon as Dawn got up, a mercenary tackled her down. Dawn tried to shove him off until Maddie came behind him and stabbed him in the chest. Dawn got up and grabbed her rifle. She looked around for Damon, but he vanished.

"Thanks Maddie, you haven't missed a beat," Dawn complimented.

"Let's go for a kill," Maddie replied as she removed her katanas.

She ran into the Skum Pitt and Dawn followed. Inside the bar was a brawl. The bar had tables that were turned over and broken glass on the floor. Dawn was low on ammo and strapped the assault rifle on her back. One of the Outcasts was stomping on a resident. Dawn grabbed a beer bottle and turned the Outcast around. She smashed the bottle across his face and quickly used the broken bottle to slice his throat. Another Outcast tried to punch her, but she grabbed his arm and kicked him in the stomach. He fell onto the table and she grabbed him by the hair. Then, she kneed him in the face, causing him to fly into the air and crash through the table. Maddie delivered a series of kicks to the Outcast members. They charged at her, but Maddie used her ninjutsu skills along with her katanas to finish them off. One Outcast swung a bat at her. She used her katana and stabbed him in the stomach. She smiled at him as he fell to the ground. An Outcast grabbed her arm, but she kneed him in the stomach, placed him in a front headlock, and snapped his neck. An Outcast, who was quite muscular and tall, swung a large makeshift sword at her. It was made from a large piece of metal that had a pipe for the hilt. Maddie dodged the attack and they engaged in a sword fight; each moving with swiftness along with the sound of knives clashing. The sword wielding Outcast attempted to hit her, but Maddie moved and he instead broke a table in half. Maddie stepped on the sword and place her katana to his throat and he froze. Maddie giggled as he trembled in fear. He tried to get a knife out, but Maddie used her boot knife to slice his throat.

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