On a Crash Course of Destruction

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Damon drove the Humvee across the decayed road that ran through the desert. The skies were clear and the sun delivered an immense amount of heat. Dawn had been used to the heat; being a desert dweller her entire life. Whether Damon really was a synth or not, she still found a good ally. She taught him how to fight and he brought new life into her. But how could Damon help her as he promised? Could he turn back time and make the invasion never happen? That would be one way he could help her.

"Just a few more miles," Damon informed.

He looked over at her and then looked at the road ahead.

"You okay?" He asked.

Dawn was leaning against the window.

"Yeah," she muttered.

"What's wrong?" He urged.


"It's me, right? Me being a synth."

"I already told you, I'm okay with it."

"Be honest."

"I am being honest. I didn't run. I'm still here."


"I just never met a synth before. Maddie had a theory about their existence, but I never believed her. Years ago, she told me there was a factory or a plant of some sort, that she found inhabited by synths."

"Let me guess, the gen 1's. They know all about them."

"Who's they?"

"The Institute. They were test subjects. Failed subjects."

"What if you end up like them?"

"Not a gen 3. I was created for one purpose; to survive in a post-nuclear scenario."

"Looks like you're doing a great job."

"All thanks to you."

Damon drove the desert camo Humvee across the empty highway as Dawn sat next to him. All she had on was a pair of torn jeans, tan boots, and a ripped tank top. Out in the distance was the Mojave Desert. The stimpaks has recovered her injuries from the encounter with the Outcasts. Then, Dawn looked in the sideview mirror and saw three bikers behind them.

"Those assholes are back," she warned.

Dawn got her .45 ready as Damon increased the acceleration as the bikers gained on them. One of them took out a shotgun and fired at the Humvee. Damon swerved, but was able to regain control.

"Keep it steady!" Dawn instructed.

She leaned out the window and shot back. The bikers moved to the other side. Dawn got out of her seat and opened the hatch.

"Dawn, what the hell are you doing?" Damon asked.

Even she was aware this was not a smart move, but realized she had no choice. They had a whole arsenal of weapons and she only had a .45 with limited ammo. She looked up at the blue sky and stood up with half her body outside. She shot at the bikers, but they swerved and shot back at her. The bullets struck the Humvee. Damon was startled.

"You okay?" He asked with concern.

Instead of answering, Dawn fired back. One of the bullets struck the gas tank of the motorcycle, causing fuel to leak out. The bike caught fire and crashed. The remaining bikers shot at her causing Dawn to duck down and fall to the floorboard. Damon quickly turned to her. He felt relieved when he saw she wasn't hit.

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