Darkest Just Before the Day Dawneth

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Maddie had found the office which had large pane windows; some had cracks and holes. She walked by each office until she saw Damon who was inside standing up. Maddie entered and saw two dead Outcasts on the floor.

"There you are!" Maddie greeted.

"I suppose you're my hero coming to rescue me," he remarked.

Maddie giggled.

"So, you really are a courser," she came to realize.

"The most dangerous synths the Institute has to offer. Where's Dawn?"

"Settling a grudge with Rowan."

"Damn, I hope she knows what she's doing."

Maddie and Damon left the office. They ran through the dusty floor of the factory, passing steel beams, unfinished rail cars, and a large flame cutting machine. Then, they saw six Outcasts ahead. Maddie and Damon stopped and ducked behind a flat car. Maddie saw them walk back towards the office. One of them had a radio.

"...and make sure he's still in there..." Rowan's voice instructed.

"Copy that," the mercenary said.

Maddie and Damon knew they had to stop them. She waited for the last one to run by, silently took him down, and choked him out. Maddie looked at his 1911 pistol and then nodded at Damon. He picked it up and took his ammo clips. Maddie went out into the open and laughed. This got their attention and they saw Maddie. She smiled and waved at them and then did a cartwheel behind the flat car. She ducked down as the Outcasts ran after her. When they got closer, Maddie surprised them and threw a knife at one of them, striking him in the head. They shot at her and she quickly ducked behind the flat car. Maddie giggled. They looked around for her, but it seemed she had vanished into thin air. Suddenly, Damon appeared behind them near the flat car.

"Hey assholes," he shouted.

As soon as they turned around, Damon shot them. Each bullet he fired struck an Outcast. They returned fire, but Damon dove behind the flat car. Maddie snuck behind the remaining two and used her katanas to stab them. One of them tried to get up, but Maddie stabbed him in the chest. Damon took a desert eagle and ammo from one of them.

"How come you don't use a gun?" Damon asked Maddie.

"Knives are more pleasurable," she answered.

She smiled at him and they headed through the factory. Damon had a half smile and then followed her.

Dawn walked around the boxcars with her shotgun ready. Most of the doors were closed, which eliminated the chance of someone surprising her from inside. She heard an Outcast ahead. When she leaned against the box car, something inside fell, creating a loud bang. The Outcast ran around to where Dawn was, but she shot him down. The loud noise stirred up the attention of more Outcasts. She couldn't tell how many were heading her way. She felt she was surrounded and decided to open one of the boxcar doors and enter.

"Where's the little bitch?" One of them shouted.

"Right here!" Dawn surprised him.

She shot him back into another boxcar and jumped out. As more came running, she slid underneath a flat car. When one got close, Dawn dragged him underneath. She smashed his head onto the track, incapacitating him. She slid back out and looked around for more mercenaries. There was an auto rack ahead that had an opening on the front and back. Then, one of the Outcasts spotted her and began firing. She quickly ran inside the auto rack and ran towards the other end. Suddenly, another Outcast member appeared in front of her. Dawn stopped as he pointed his gun at her. His eyes were full of lust as he stared at her thighs and then at her chest. There was a small scrap piece of angle iron near her. She kicked it at him and the metal struck his face. He fired a shot, but the bullet struck the decking above as Dawn fell. As soon as she fell, she shot him. She jumped out of the auto rack and tried to catch her breath. The other Outcast ran towards her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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