New Story!

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Hey, while you're waiting for tomorrow's scheduled update, why not go and check out my newest story?  It's that World War II Frerard AU I was hyping up so much, and it's called The Ghost of Him.  So if you checked it out I would love you forever and ever ;)

Also, if you haven't read my other Ryden story Insomnolence before, why not give that a read too?  It's all about dreams and dream therapists, so if that trips your trigger, you already know what to do

Sorry for all the self-promo, but I'm really proud of The Ghost of Him, and I think you guys are really gonna like it.  Hopefully you decide to come along on the crazy journey with me :)

Anyway, like I said, another chapter of this is gonna be uploaded tomorrow at the regular time.  Stay tuned for more updates of the crazy life in New Orleans!

Love y'all to bits!  See ya tomorrow

Mad as Jazzmen |1930s Ryden AU| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now